These people should go to prison for a long time and suffer. I watched my highschool friends ruin their lives on this crap in the north suburbs of Atl. Just way too addictive and fesls so good. Then they threw these kids in prison, some were actually decent kids just with no guidance. The prisons ruined them, turned them into gang members. A neighborhood friend I grew up with turned into a total gangster. He didn't need to go there. He just needed a hand from some adults to get him off this crap. It really saddens me his life was ruined. So he spends 3 years there. Becomes a gangster, when he gets out, he becomes a mule for the gangsters. Gets caught with more drugs and is now doing 5-10 more years. Life ruined. It didn't need to be this way.
It also didn't help that doctors wrote prescriptions for opiods for any reason, continued to fill them over and over, got people hooked and then the government came in and said no more opioids!
That left people with no other options than to use illegal street drugs to get that same high.
I was prescribed them for years and while my brain was not addicted, my body was. It was terrible weening off them. I did not do any illegal drugs and the withdrawals I experienced were HORRIBLE! If you go to opioid forums you can see the torment people go through trying to quit. I would not wish that on anyone. I have not had any in almost 4 years and I still experience side effects from withdrawal.
Dopesick on hulu is a fantastic show to watch as well to get the whole picture, strongly recommend anyone to watch it.
"It also didn't help that doctors wrote prescriptions for opiods for any reason, continued to fill them over and over, got people hooked and then the government came in and said no more opioids!"
The Oxycontin thing happened when the Taliban took out all the poppy fields in Afghanistan. That is what the whole thing was about. Our military had to go in and get the fields up and running again and then they cracked down on Oxy to get everyone back on the heroin. All a job by the C*A. Why we allow this I will never understand.
These people should go to prison for a long time and suffer. I watched my highschool friends ruin their lives on this crap in the north suburbs of Atl. Just way too addictive and fesls so good. Then they threw these kids in prison, some were actually decent kids just with no guidance. The prisons ruined them, turned them into gang members. A neighborhood friend I grew up with turned into a total gangster. He didn't need to go there. He just needed a hand from some adults to get him off this crap. It really saddens me his life was ruined. So he spends 3 years there. Becomes a gangster, when he gets out, he becomes a mule for the gangsters. Gets caught with more drugs and is now doing 5-10 more years. Life ruined. It didn't need to be this way.
I'm sorry this happened, it's a terrible thing.
It also didn't help that doctors wrote prescriptions for opiods for any reason, continued to fill them over and over, got people hooked and then the government came in and said no more opioids!
That left people with no other options than to use illegal street drugs to get that same high.
I was prescribed them for years and while my brain was not addicted, my body was. It was terrible weening off them. I did not do any illegal drugs and the withdrawals I experienced were HORRIBLE! If you go to opioid forums you can see the torment people go through trying to quit. I would not wish that on anyone. I have not had any in almost 4 years and I still experience side effects from withdrawal.
Dopesick on hulu is a fantastic show to watch as well to get the whole picture, strongly recommend anyone to watch it.
"It also didn't help that doctors wrote prescriptions for opiods for any reason, continued to fill them over and over, got people hooked and then the government came in and said no more opioids!"
The Oxycontin thing happened when the Taliban took out all the poppy fields in Afghanistan. That is what the whole thing was about. Our military had to go in and get the fields up and running again and then they cracked down on Oxy to get everyone back on the heroin. All a job by the C*A. Why we allow this I will never understand.
Oxy addiction happened in 1990s. Afghanistan under the Taliban was the largest opiate grower in the world during that time except for year.
In the past two decades 2/3 of the Taliban's money came from heroin.
They just did a big crackdown last year.
Also heroin comes from other countries. Burma is the second biggest provider