Miki eloquently explains how we can hold public servants responsible for assisting the deepstate to cause us harm (even when it is "unknowingly").
That lady was awesome in spite of that bozo doing Sean Hannity type of interruptions in the latter part of the interview.
Around the 50 minute mark it was very frustrating that she wasn't understand what he was asking. He asked about what the next step is after you serve them and they ignore it. I was waiting for the answer but she never answered it. They kept going back and forth getting more frustrated with each other but he couldn't find a way of rephrasing his question.
she is big picture. He is impatient. If given the time, she could have drilled down. I think she told him they contacted the military more than twice. The military has a legal office, so I don't need to know the details, just look it up when needed.
No, she did answer it, at around 43, 44 ish, she said that they would turn the documents showing the guilty parties over to the military. The military would come out in white unmarked vehicles, and remove those who were presiding over the court systems. She said this was done in 8 courts. It's not being reported on, but it's happening, and said she could provide witnesses for Nino to interview.
I have some blanks I need to fill in regarding alerting the military and they will make the arrest. Mainly, where does Posse Comitatus begin and end in this process. Ducked the Posse Comitatus Act (and will be doing some more reading on this) but find it interesting the act was signed into law June 18th, 1878, 7 years (almost to the day) after the Organic Act of 1871.
ps. If she hadn't been so squared away in her presentation...I would have stopped at the 20 minute make because of Nino's incessant interruptions.
Does the Posse Comitatus Act apply to foreign occupiers when the military is tasked with taking back the country from enemy insurgents?
Which branch of the military drives white unmarked cars? Where were the arrested taken? Where are the members of the Maicopa County Board of Supervisors today? 3 days have passed. Are they locked up? Needs sauce and followthrough
Right, but there's still that one part missing. The part that he was trying to ask her about over and over. The part she didn't answer.
Step 1: serve them the papers Step 2: they ignore it Step 3: ???? Step 4: the military comes
What he was asking in his own weird way is "what is step 3?".
Do we pick up the phone and dial 0 and say "Operator, operator, give me the military!"
Do we write "Military! Please come! This is urgent!" on a frisbee and fling it over a rainbow?
I'm guessing it's something done online but I don't know because she wouldn't answer the question.
She said they give it to the military. She did not say how, or who it was given to. That she knew to go through this process, perhaps, was given to her by the White Hats. Who could figure it out on their own? And if they did, perhaps she was given the info of who to give the documents to--surely not Austin. If so, maybe they don't want their activities to be discussed on The View.
I figured this was about surety bonds, but I show up and people talking about military? Confused Gandolf meme enters the chat.
Edit: can’t watch atm.
that guy is an idiot. This interview could have gone much better if he knew when to shut up and listen.