It seems many of Project Veritas/OMG undercover videos smartly target gay men who are inside the place of business and are ready and willing to spill company secrets without too much encouragement.
It is quite concerning how easily they give up the 'state secrets' in the process of impressing their 'dates'. Consider how many of Biden's cabinet and workforce is gay or trans. Consider how many are now in our military.
This just reinforces the earlier non-woke military's previous stance that no gays should be allowed in the military, period. Not even the 'Don't ask, Don't tell' would have allowed this kind of a 'Loose lips sink ships' disaster.
Sexual deviants may be unable to stay strong under duress, thus they are a risk to national or company security. This may be the case in every place of employment.
It seems many of Project Veritas/OMG undercover videos smartly target gay men who are inside the place of business and are ready and willing to spill company secrets without too much encouragement.
It is quite concerning how easily they give up the 'state secrets' in the process of impressing their 'dates'. Consider how many of Biden's cabinet and workforce is gay or trans. Consider how many are now in our military.
This just reinforces the earlier non-woke military's previous stance that no gays should be allowed in the military, period. Not even the 'Don't ask, Don't tell' would have allowed this kind of a 'Loose lips sink ships' disaster.
Sexual deviants may be unable to stay strong under duress, thus they are a risk to national or company security. This may be the case in every place of employment.
If somebody is going to be a homosexual, that's between them and God.
Morally compromised people make morally compromised decisions.
What this means for me:
I don't have to be accepting or accommodate their degeneracy.
My kids will never socialize or be left alone with one.
I will not validate their sinful lifestyle.
I will not employ one.
I will not trust one.
What this means for our country:
They should not be allowed to teach or be in positions of authority over children.
They should not be allowed to adopt children.
They should not serve in the military or in any federal law enforcement agency.
They should be restricted from high level government positions.
They should be barred from federal public office.
They should not hold security clearances.
EVERY culture that has embraced homosexuality has inevitably rotted from the inside and destroyed itself.