Multiculturalism doesnt work. When the 1st Amendment was written it only applied to federal offices. States were still free to institute religious tests for public office until the travesty that was the 14th Amendment. I would wager that had our forefathers anticipated the 14th the 1st would have been written differently.
Western democracy only works people brought up to respect and believe in western values. Western values are anathema to Muslims. (I should note I speak Arabic and have read the Qu'ran as well as studied a bit of Islamic jurisprudence)
John Adams, a Federalist, said "Our Constitution was made for only a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other," and that a statesman "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand."
He and the other Federalists were arguing that, while the states were free to institute religious tests for state office, no group should ever be able to bar people elected from the states from holding federal office.
Basically, if the travesty of the 14th amendment hadn't occurred, Utah would have been free to require all state officials to be practitioners of Mormonism in good standing with their temple. Rhode Island could do the same for Catholics, Southern states could ban anyone who wasnt a member of a church in the Souther Baptists Conference, etc. In this example the 1st Amendment was to prevent the majority of protestant states from barring politicians from Utah or Rhode Island from holding federal office. This was particularly important for the Senate since senators were elected by state legislatures before the 17th amendment, which was another travesty.
The 1st amendment was never meant to open wide the flood gates for satanists, atheists, muslims, and Hindus to hold federal office, mostly because our forefathers could never have foreseen that we would allow and encourage mass immigration by people who's beliefs are so inimical to our nation and way of life.
The morals held by these devout Muslims are directly contrary to those held by our founders and the majority of Americans. Those muslims are also fanatically devout. Behead you devout. Toss gays off buildings devout. Die happy knowing they killed just one unbeliever devout. Their morals are incompatible with democratic societies.
In 1776 every American identified as some type of Christian with the exception of maybe 2000 Jews. There was no understanding of religion in the colonies except as Christian. What you are trying to do here is the same thing abortionists and trans people do to argue that since those are never mentioned in the Bible that they can't be wrong.
Multiculturalism doesnt work. When the 1st Amendment was written it only applied to federal offices. States were still free to institute religious tests for public office until the travesty that was the 14th Amendment. I would wager that had our forefathers anticipated the 14th the 1st would have been written differently.
Western democracy only works people brought up to respect and believe in western values. Western values are anathema to Muslims. (I should note I speak Arabic and have read the Qu'ran as well as studied a bit of Islamic jurisprudence)
John Adams, a Federalist, said "Our Constitution was made for only a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other," and that a statesman "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand."
He and the other Federalists were arguing that, while the states were free to institute religious tests for state office, no group should ever be able to bar people elected from the states from holding federal office.
Basically, if the travesty of the 14th amendment hadn't occurred, Utah would have been free to require all state officials to be practitioners of Mormonism in good standing with their temple. Rhode Island could do the same for Catholics, Southern states could ban anyone who wasnt a member of a church in the Souther Baptists Conference, etc. In this example the 1st Amendment was to prevent the majority of protestant states from barring politicians from Utah or Rhode Island from holding federal office. This was particularly important for the Senate since senators were elected by state legislatures before the 17th amendment, which was another travesty.
The 1st amendment was never meant to open wide the flood gates for satanists, atheists, muslims, and Hindus to hold federal office, mostly because our forefathers could never have foreseen that we would allow and encourage mass immigration by people who's beliefs are so inimical to our nation and way of life.
The morals held by these devout Muslims are directly contrary to those held by our founders and the majority of Americans. Those muslims are also fanatically devout. Behead you devout. Toss gays off buildings devout. Die happy knowing they killed just one unbeliever devout. Their morals are incompatible with democratic societies.
Going to point out that John Adam's quote says "religious", not Christian.
If you can find me some quotes where someone specified that only Christians should be here, then you might have an argument.
In 1776 every American identified as some type of Christian with the exception of maybe 2000 Jews. There was no understanding of religion in the colonies except as Christian. What you are trying to do here is the same thing abortionists and trans people do to argue that since those are never mentioned in the Bible that they can't be wrong.
Really? Where are you getting that information?
Library of Congress: Religion and the Founding of the American Republic