It is helpful for Anons to remember that great evil being unveiled does not equate to losing. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
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I'd caution throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This is a big burden for many of us and from time to time everyone is occasionally going to feel down and become exhausted as our guiding light seems diminished.
A fellow anon just posted a couple days ago that their husband was drinking excessively, they had to sell their farm and their business was losing sales! My credit card debt is soaring, my wife is sick of it as we ONLY spend money on groceries, gas and our kids. Other than camping with our boys, we haven't been on a real vacation for many years. Many others are suffering health problems and don't trust doctors to help and are skeptical of anything published by the corrupted health industry.
Maybe first warning Anons and giving them only a few days off might help them climb back to 40,000 feet and reset their perspective, but out right banning is counterproductive to the Great Awakening and folks who have been contributing here for months and years.
Strength in numbers Fren! 🙏