I’ve been thinking about the precipice. My working theory, and I hope that I’m wrong, is that enough RINOS leave the House to put it back under the Dems. Trump wins in November in a landslide. They refuse to certify it. Military steps in.
I hope I’m wrong. I’d like to see it wrapped up before then.
I don’t think there can be another fraudulent election, otherwise we go back to square 1 but this time in much worse shape. I think the military needs to step in to administer a fair election.
I reckon that will change if the frogs are stupid enough to send a combat group into Odessa.
2000? I don’t think Putin blinks. What is the precipice?
I’m starting to think it’s in the brink, at election time. The voter will have to decide on Button one -WWIII
Button two - Trump and his promise of order and consequences?
Choice is pretty clear.
Then they go for the steal. Chaos ensues
It's clear to me that Putin doesn't blink and he doesn't bluff.
Unlike the complete morons of the 'Collective West'.
Ball size status:
I’ve been thinking about the precipice. My working theory, and I hope that I’m wrong, is that enough RINOS leave the House to put it back under the Dems. Trump wins in November in a landslide. They refuse to certify it. Military steps in.
I hope I’m wrong. I’d like to see it wrapped up before then.
I've been thinking that this is what will happen. Military is the only way. Buckle up!
I don’t think there can be another fraudulent election, otherwise we go back to square 1 but this time in much worse shape. I think the military needs to step in to administer a fair election.
If its not their Foreign Legion the French won't last 2 fucking minutes.