I take issue with the once saved always saved statement. Are you really always saved if you say so? That leaves one with no responsiblity to follow in Christ's footsteps.
We are ALL sinners even though we may be saved. We may be followers of Christ and want to be like Him but we are not perfect so we will continue to sin even after being "saved" We still need to atone for those sins even if we have declared ourselves to be followers of Christ and have taken Him into our heart.
My problem with being saved is this from personal experience.
I dated a guy in HS when I was a Freshman who was "saved" according to him.
We had a lot in common. Had the same sized famly (6 kids in the family) and we were both musically inclined. He was a pianist and he was my accompanist when I sang for any talent shows and we both spent time in choir together.
After school we spent a lot of time and heavy discussions of Christ and religion at the time. I had never heard of being saved at the time. I was raised as Roman Catholic. He was adamant that I become saved. We drifted apart after a couple of years. He graduated from HS. We both went to college. He was accepted to a University out of state while I went to a state school.
On Christmas break of my Freshmen year in college I found out that he had apparently come out of the closet as gay. He never finished school as he was drafted into the army (Vietnam years) out of college but ended up getting placed stateside. After his service he moved to the west coast to San Francisco (the mecca for gay lifestyles).
I found out from his brother on FB a number of years ago now that he died alone in his early 60's with no apparent health problems. Was found dead in a chair after last being seen for several days. His brother didn't know if he had committed suicide and was still awaiting the forensic tests. I never found out the results.
Did he go to Heaven bc he was "saved" even though he entered into the gay lifestyle after being saved? If he committed suicide, did he still go to Heaven?
I am not the one to judge but I definitely feel as if a Believer who goes down this path after being saved would not be considered saved if they had never fully repented for going down that path. And I believe committing suicide is a sin. How could one atone for that one if he dies?
I take issue with the once saved always saved statement. Are you really always saved if you say so? That leaves one with no responsiblity to follow in Christ's footsteps.
We are ALL sinners even though we may be saved. We may be followers of Christ and want to be like Him but we are not perfect so we will continue to sin even after being "saved" We still need to atone for those sins even if we have declared ourselves to be followers of Christ and have taken Him into our heart.
My problem with being saved is this from personal experience.
I dated a guy in HS when I was a Freshman who was "saved" according to him.
We had a lot in common. Had the same sized famly (6 kids in the family) and we were both musically inclined. He was a pianist and he was my accompanist when I sang for any talent shows and we both spent time in choir together.
After school we spent a lot of time and heavy discussions of Christ and religion at the time. I had never heard of being saved at the time. I was raised as Roman Catholic. He was adamant that I become saved. We drifted apart after a couple of years. He graduated from HS. We both went to college. He was accepted to a University out of state while I went to a state school.
On Christmas break of my Freshmen year in college I found out that he had apparently come out of the closet as gay. He never finished school as he was drafted into the army (Vietnam years) out of college but ended up getting placed stateside. After his service he moved to the west coast to San Francisco (the mecca for gay lifestyles).
I found out from his brother on FB a number of years ago now that he died alone in his early 60's with no apparent health problems. Was found dead in a chair after last being seen for several days. His brother didn't know if he had committed suicide and was still awaiting the forensic tests. I never found out the results.
Did he go to Heaven bc he was "saved" even though he entered into the gay lifestyle after being saved? If he committed suicide, did he still go to Heaven?
I am not the one to judge but I definitely feel as if a Believer who goes down this path after being saved would not be considered saved if they had never fully repented for going down that path. And I believe committing suicide is a sin. How could one atone for that one if he dies?