I think we had more coverage than that, and I commented to the wife that it was amazing what such a small silver of the sin could still light up. Also commented that is that were all we got on a daily basis we would be in an ice age. She noted that it had gotten cooler with the conclusion.
We watched from down by the pool. Small, low, fast moving clouds gave us spotty views. It was a lot like watching a play with the curtain coming down, then going back up at random intervals. All in all, not the WoW we were hoping for. Reporting from Lake Tyler East.
Was a nice show. Clouds cleared up seconds before totality. Birds went quiet. and all teh FROGS started up for a couple of minutes!
Definitely catch the next one guys.
Edit: Thank you for this, too. Amen.
My outdoor photocell lights came on for a couple minutes.
Same here. Got surprisingly dark.
We got like 75-80% occlusion here and I was surprised at how bright it still was.
I think we had more coverage than that, and I commented to the wife that it was amazing what such a small silver of the sin could still light up. Also commented that is that were all we got on a daily basis we would be in an ice age. She noted that it had gotten cooler with the conclusion.
We watched from down by the pool. Small, low, fast moving clouds gave us spotty views. It was a lot like watching a play with the curtain coming down, then going back up at random intervals. All in all, not the WoW we were hoping for. Reporting from Lake Tyler East.
I'm watering the front yard.
Will have to put on sunglasses soon.
Head on out for some barbecue.