The whole ‘Iran versus Israel’ attack has a strange, scripted feel to it
On April 2, 2024, Israel knocked off some known terrorists at a building used by Iran's Quds terrorists the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. They helped mastermind October 7 and were planning more terrorist attacks against Israel. This was ...
My wife told me last night how she was feeling scared about ww3 and all the stuff going on right now.
I literally just turned to her and calmly say "Just remember that's it's all a movie to wake the normies up, it's fine".
Seemed to work :)
God is in control.
Amen to that.
I Pray the Prayer of St Francis:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
I do pray so. Having two sons of drafting age does freak out my heart at times. Especially when hubby (not really awake) is talking about the imminent "war" and how to protect them from war. I will say, he does seem to realize the Ukraine conflict was our fault. I said so when it started and was blasted verbally. Sadly his mom said a boy from her church just went to Ukraine to join the conflict. How stupid can someone be at this point??
Really stupid. It's my opinion that the government is a joke at this point and a draft would be futile. The people would raise arms against the government before they allowed their children to be drafted and sacrificed.
At this point, if I were in my 20s now I'd rather go to jail for refusing the draft instead of fighting wars for the banks.
I would hope so. We've discussed options for sure. My boys both realize war is about bankrolling millions for evil while killing off young men.
Amazing it only took 7 generations for Major General Smedley Darlington Butler's message to make it to the masses.
He wrote "War is a Racket" after becoming the United States' most decorated soldier in history up to that time.
A copy of his book can be downloaded here -
Are missiles from Iran considered 'Foreign Aid'?
Yes, because the intent is to draw the U.S. in to war, just like with the Ukraine. The Deep State goal is money. Play both sides and one wins either way. False reporting is prevalent to garner public opinion. Do not believe anything they tell you about Israel or Ukraine. No funding to either. They want war, do it on their own dime. No funding will force compromise and negotiations.
They already have all the power and all the money- they create new fake money constantly with fractional reserve banking.
The goal is to spread depravity, destruction, and despair on behalf of their master, Satan.
This is spiritual and always has been!
Sure feels like it.
If Israel attacks Iran, the price of oil will go even higher than it already is. Iran would likely close the Strait of Hormuz. What would that mean for the petrodollar? Maybe this will usher in the economic collapse that seems inevitable?
...valid observations...
That's 2 choke points, Hormuz & Red Sea/ Gulf of Aden.
This is black hat taking out black hat to disarm black hats so they can’t attack white hats during the great awakening.
...there is validity in that observation...
As scripted as the WWE, …or the NFL?
...kayfabe on a grand scale...
We're all watching the greatest movie ever made. But the movie is not for us.
Never underestimate Israel to bring about WW3. Even though all this hoopla was a nothing burger as far as the Iranian attack went, Israel will take the opportunity to attack all of Iran's nuclear facilities which will bring condemnation from NATO and even Russia will jump to Iran's aid. Something has to bring about the Ezek 38-39 war and who better than Israel itself?
...doggy winks...
I got the strong feeling from early on that Iran had used whatever back channels they have to warn Israel and coordinate how this all would go down.'s "gut" often has more insight than one's brain....
I read somewhere that they used Turkey as the back channel. The Iranian soft attack was 'approved' by the US through the back channel. It's all politics and saving 'face'.
I believe the White House wants to draw us into a nuclear WWWIII, but the white hats aren’t letting that happen. Many may not realize it, but we are in a digital world war, one that us, the good guys, are winning. Remember the previous world wars weren’t won overnight, but after several years. Stand firm my frens.
...the MIC are not "the good guys"...