Just initiate a citizens initiative to add a new tax on government compensation payments. Its like the difference between a captital gaines tax and an income tax. Its all earnings, but money earned from labor is labeled as “income” is taxed at a higher rate than money earned from money (capital gaines). So, make another category for taxpayer money payed to individuals for their time as “taxpayer gaines” tax. I suggest 50% as an opener...
Just initiate a citizens initiative to add a new tax on government compensation payments. Its like the difference between a captital gaines tax and an income tax. Its all earnings, but money earned from labor is labeled as “income” is taxed at a higher rate than money earned from money (capital gaines). So, make another category for taxpayer money payed to individuals for their time as “taxpayer gaines” tax. I suggest 50% as an opener...
They would just increase the amount of gubmint gibs.
It is not THEIR money they are giving away, so WTF do they care how much they give of YOUR money?
But it would only tax the recipients of the money i.e. politicians and gubment workers.