It'll be so wild if it gets to the point where liberals are doubting the HOLOHOAX and noticing the vast amount of wealth and power belonging to a tiny religion of people
It'll be ironically funny for college liberals to be who ultimately helps expose the mass corruption of Judaism throughout global history and their influence over global monetary supply via banking
I wouldn't say I'm "on their side" because I don't have a side between Islam and Israel, I want both to fail. These Islam apologists don't seem to understand that a thousand disorganized savages will kill them all the same as a handful of relatively intelligent people pulling levers of power.
I'm on their side only to the extent it might at some point help prevent more US "aid" from going to Israel. My preferred outcome is the total destruction of both sides of the conflict, including their supporters.
Seriously!?? Siding with the globalist, soros minions? This is Obama's army that he bragged about creating chaos and confusion. Make sure you're in the right lane, fren.
What Israel is doing is a disgrace and a war crime. I don't understand how the average Israeli citizen cannot call out their own government like we do here in the USA. It's pathetic and the whole world needs to call them out.
"Save Israel for last" I keep thinking of that Q post
The Cabal though, whatever it is, is like agent Smith in the Matrix, and seems to be able at any moment to override any one of us from within without warning...
I never imagined that it would be GenZ, let alone the left-leaning GenZ'ers who would see it first, but I guess it makes sense that the older you are (generalizing here) the more apt you are to get your mis-information from legacy fake-news outlets. While GenZ gets more of their info from Twitter and Tiktok, where truth is more prevalent.
Its an internet thing. To many in my generation (almost 70) don't know how to operate a computer or smart phone much less get on the internet, and they don't want to learn.
That said more and more are finding out what they were missing.
Sticky: I get this list and concern. But it’s also spreading out the protestor’s numbers. Thinning their herd and they’re still only doing it in mostly blue/DemoLib controlled areas. Let’s hope it can’t grow to much further beyond blue cities. Luckily there are waaaaaay more colleges then they are able to cover.
Let’s update ourselves too on their plans shall we Anons? ANTIFA/BLM’s Organization Website below:
The reason it hasn't spread is because protesting doesn't really work and most of our side of the political spectrum have jobs and responsibilities. But don't think for a second red states aren't full of people who vehemently disagree with sending American dollars to support Israel.
this has to be by design, most everything is ran by the Jews. my questions are, why do they want to turn everyone against Israel? what does it benefit them?
The people running the show claim to be Jewish, and claim to be Israel, but are almost certainly not.
If that’s correct, and they are of the Synagogue of Satan as is commonly claimed, it would be in their interest to try and get everyone to destroy Israel to take out as many of God’s people as possible in one swoop.
Those who remain who are not in the faith would think, justifiably, that faithfulness to God is evil and remain turned from Him.
I strongly suspect that it’s effectively bearing false witness against God to try and force God into either paying a price He would not want to pay, or to violate His Word.
This thinking is spot on. I've been feeling for a while that these evil bastards (or are they spiritual entities?) pulling the strings are like chameleons, and hide in one group and then in another group, pit them against each other so they weaken and destroy each other, then they change and morph and hide in another group and continue the process, continually evading detection.
Maybe the way they "cry out as they strike you", as they played both sides during WWII for example. There are plot holes, like why did Obama (who was/is a Commie, but also a Muslim(?!) but the NAZIs and the Muslims were allied during WWII(?!)) give Iran the pallets of cash that he flew in, yet Iran was allied with the NAZIs, but Putin is against Ukraine, and he called them NAZIs, but then Ukraine is home of the Khazarians, which are the Zionists, which has as their banking arm the Rothschilds, who funded both sides of all the wars, but then the Jews, a la Marx, who was a Zionist, created Communism, but then the Commies were against the NAZIs, but then... uh, it's very confusing. I mean when we say Jews who are we talking about? All of them? Aren't there normies amongst them, zealots and infiltrators, liberal and conservative, those at the upper eschellons, good and bad, as with all groups of people? Not to be obfuscating the issue or anything, but don't we need to discuss these things? Asking for a friend....
Personally I think demons are predatory aliens who harvest human babies for adrenochrome. They have broken in some humans and families to serve them in doing this, because predators are more successful when they are hidden. They infiltrate everywhere, but their current base of operations seems to be the Tri-City State (Vatican, Crown, and Washington DC) and Israel. Not flesh and blood (human) enemies, but evil in high places.
I would be much more supportive if they weren't almost all total Islam simps who would happily let them in by the hundreds of millions given the chance, but I'll take them on our side at this particular moment.
So let me understand this, people in the comment section are in favor of our buddy George Soros's money train funding this? Because it's pretty obvious this has his smudgy fingerprints all over it.
Marxism is bad unless it's against Da Jooz, amirite?
You tell the soyboy antifa trannies that they can't do something, all of a sudden they are bigly into it. Once they got a taste of running with the herd in 2020, they got excited. This is the danger with unleashing psychos, you can't control them and sooner or later they are going to turn against their handlers.
The college sheep have to work on their terms and have focus....I have many, many jewish friends....great people...most are excellent business people; yes, sometimes a little too successful and not charitable to others though....most of Israel's people are wonderful people. The college sheep need to focus less on Israel...and more on protesting Zionism. The Zionist jews are the issue and other jews shouldn't be lumped in with these folks. When they protest Israel, the media narrative pumped out is they are a bunch of anti-semites....if they focus on the small number of Jews that cause a considerable amount of world anxst...zionism should be their vocal target. They won't have a chance to win this argument if it is just an Israel protest.
For once, I'm on the college protestors side
It'll be so wild if it gets to the point where liberals are doubting the HOLOHOAX and noticing the vast amount of wealth and power belonging to a tiny religion of people
It'll be ironically funny for college liberals to be who ultimately helps expose the mass corruption of Judaism throughout global history and their influence over global monetary supply via banking
I wouldn't say I'm "on their side" because I don't have a side between Islam and Israel, I want both to fail. These Islam apologists don't seem to understand that a thousand disorganized savages will kill them all the same as a handful of relatively intelligent people pulling levers of power.
Jihadists are a threat because Satanists tie our hands behind our back and then actively bring them into our countries.
If there weren't the Satanists, Britain would have exactly the same amount of Jihadist problems as Japan.
Also, those same Satanists made all the radicals to begin with.
Yes, because not all Palestinians are Hamas. Israel has been saved for last for a reason. Protocols of Zion are pretty horrific.
Hamas was created by MOSSAD like how Al Queda and ISIS were created by the CIA.
I'm on their side only to the extent it might at some point help prevent more US "aid" from going to Israel. My preferred outcome is the total destruction of both sides of the conflict, including their supporters.
Seriously!?? Siding with the globalist, soros minions? This is Obama's army that he bragged about creating chaos and confusion. Make sure you're in the right lane, fren.
If we use their divide and conquer strategy against them, both Zionism and Jihadism will fail.
jews: oy-vey, my fellow white people! help us!
White people: hire some diversity to help you
What Israel is doing is a disgrace and a war crime. I don't understand how the average Israeli citizen cannot call out their own government like we do here in the USA. It's pathetic and the whole world needs to call them out.
"Save Israel for last" I keep thinking of that Q post
If having the liberals become the "muh nazis" was part of the plan for saving israel for last, it's brilliant. It goes against their entire narrative!
Yea this whole thing is crazy. I would have never thought the universities would rebel against the hand that feeds and controls them. Weird timeline.
Yeah, I didn't have that on my bingo card. Like, I couldn't have ever imagine that this was a rift that could be exploited so wide and far.
Well its not the universities per se, its the students at the universities.
Yes and no. They didn’t exactly put the kibosh on those kids and you KNOW they would if they wanted to. Try having a Trump rally on campus.
I thought the Israelis were protesting. Really, it's humanity vs the Cabal, not Christians vs Jews vs Muslims.
The Cabal though, whatever it is, is like agent Smith in the Matrix, and seems to be able at any moment to override any one of us from within without warning...
People are beginning to see the hidden enemy.
I really hope they are following the puppets' strings back to the puppet masters, and taking note of who is running this circus.
I never imagined that it would be GenZ, let alone the left-leaning GenZ'ers who would see it first, but I guess it makes sense that the older you are (generalizing here) the more apt you are to get your mis-information from legacy fake-news outlets. While GenZ gets more of their info from Twitter and Tiktok, where truth is more prevalent.
Its an internet thing. To many in my generation (almost 70) don't know how to operate a computer or smart phone much less get on the internet, and they don't want to learn.
That said more and more are finding out what they were missing.
Sticky: I get this list and concern. But it’s also spreading out the protestor’s numbers. Thinning their herd and they’re still only doing it in mostly blue/DemoLib controlled areas. Let’s hope it can’t grow to much further beyond blue cities. Luckily there are waaaaaay more colleges then they are able to cover.
Let’s update ourselves too on their plans shall we Anons? ANTIFA/BLM’s Organization Website below:
The reason it hasn't spread is because protesting doesn't really work and most of our side of the political spectrum have jobs and responsibilities. But don't think for a second red states aren't full of people who vehemently disagree with sending American dollars to support Israel.
This is common ground for your average normie, regardless of political party.
Could be the *LAST “summer of love”
this has to be by design, most everything is ran by the Jews. my questions are, why do they want to turn everyone against Israel? what does it benefit them?
The people running the show claim to be Jewish, and claim to be Israel, but are almost certainly not.
If that’s correct, and they are of the Synagogue of Satan as is commonly claimed, it would be in their interest to try and get everyone to destroy Israel to take out as many of God’s people as possible in one swoop.
Those who remain who are not in the faith would think, justifiably, that faithfulness to God is evil and remain turned from Him.
I strongly suspect that it’s effectively bearing false witness against God to try and force God into either paying a price He would not want to pay, or to violate His Word.
This thinking is spot on. I've been feeling for a while that these evil bastards (or are they spiritual entities?) pulling the strings are like chameleons, and hide in one group and then in another group, pit them against each other so they weaken and destroy each other, then they change and morph and hide in another group and continue the process, continually evading detection.
Bingo. It doesn’t matter what “your” group is, they’re in it or working to get in it.
I completely agree with you. Their master is the author of confusion, the accuser of the brethren, father of lies.
The Zionist know that none Zionist Jews are speaking out against them.
Maybe the way they "cry out as they strike you", as they played both sides during WWII for example. There are plot holes, like why did Obama (who was/is a Commie, but also a Muslim(?!) but the NAZIs and the Muslims were allied during WWII(?!)) give Iran the pallets of cash that he flew in, yet Iran was allied with the NAZIs, but Putin is against Ukraine, and he called them NAZIs, but then Ukraine is home of the Khazarians, which are the Zionists, which has as their banking arm the Rothschilds, who funded both sides of all the wars, but then the Jews, a la Marx, who was a Zionist, created Communism, but then the Commies were against the NAZIs, but then... uh, it's very confusing. I mean when we say Jews who are we talking about? All of them? Aren't there normies amongst them, zealots and infiltrators, liberal and conservative, those at the upper eschellons, good and bad, as with all groups of people? Not to be obfuscating the issue or anything, but don't we need to discuss these things? Asking for a friend....
Personally I think demons are predatory aliens who harvest human babies for adrenochrome. They have broken in some humans and families to serve them in doing this, because predators are more successful when they are hidden. They infiltrate everywhere, but their current base of operations seems to be the Tri-City State (Vatican, Crown, and Washington DC) and Israel. Not flesh and blood (human) enemies, but evil in high places.
If any student is here on a visa….send them packing.
We can't blame Israeli citizens for the acts of their government however it seems like most of them are in support of these war crimes.
Yes. The rank and file have let the Khazars hide behind them and use them as human shields for way too long.
I suspect much of our government (and ourselves by extension) has the same problem.
CNN stands with Israel
I would be much more supportive if they weren't almost all total Islam simps who would happily let them in by the hundreds of millions given the chance, but I'll take them on our side at this particular moment.
Israel for Last?
It’s Antifa that has resurfaced!!
Fuck Jew, Shitsrael!
So let me understand this, people in the comment section are in favor of our buddy George Soros's money train funding this? Because it's pretty obvious this has his smudgy fingerprints all over it.
Marxism is bad unless it's against Da Jooz, amirite?
Man, enemy of my enemy... Y'all are hilarious.
The golem always turns on its creator.
There are indeed a lot of plot holes in this script.
You tell the soyboy antifa trannies that they can't do something, all of a sudden they are bigly into it. Once they got a taste of running with the herd in 2020, they got excited. This is the danger with unleashing psychos, you can't control them and sooner or later they are going to turn against their handlers.
Honestly surprised Stanford isn't on that list.
Already happening
I’m proud of all you Q fags speaking the truth about them 🫡
Possibly unpopular opinion: I don't care. They can both fight over their sand. We have our own problems at home to worry about.
The college sheep have to work on their terms and have focus....I have many, many jewish friends....great people...most are excellent business people; yes, sometimes a little too successful and not charitable to others though....most of Israel's people are wonderful people. The college sheep need to focus less on Israel...and more on protesting Zionism. The Zionist jews are the issue and other jews shouldn't be lumped in with these folks. When they protest Israel, the media narrative pumped out is they are a bunch of anti-semites....if they focus on the small number of Jews that cause a considerable amount of world anxst...zionism should be their vocal target. They won't have a chance to win this argument if it is just an Israel protest.