posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +74 / -0

The Beginning of the End for the Soros Revolution? | Portland is the last in a long line of defeats for the progressive-prosecutor cartel.


... What is remarkable is that the Soros project — which involves flooding city and county prosecutor races with record-breaking amounts of cash, thereby stacking the deck with far-left ideologues — appears to have left a sour taste in the mouth of even the most left-wing voter bases. (Ideology is a powerful thing, but even ideology is often no match for the visceral experience of watching one’s city be transformed into a violent trash heap.) That much was evident Tuesday night, when voters in Multnomah County — the largest county in Portland, Oregon — ousted incumbent Soros prosecutor Mike Schmidt. ...

...Schmidt was the beneficiary of hundreds of thousands of Soros dollars in the run-up to this most recent election but still lost to Vasquez by almost 10 points (as of this writing; the votes aren’t all counted yet). And Portland is only the last in a long line of defeats for the Soros progressive-prosecutor cartel.

The sound of winning!

Nevertheless, it will take a long time, and a concerted effort, to build back what Soros and his ilk have done. Building always takes longer than destroying.