My husband is getting frustrated also, getting upset at everything and everyone. They don't see the bigger picture yet, and it's hard to tell them or we may sound crazy to them, lol. Better to let them watch it unfold for themselves sometimes. I can only say so much before he says he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
I told my wife Trump would be found guilty before the verdict came in, she asked me how I knew, I just said the fix was in.
After that she was a bit doom and gloom and had to say it was all going to plan and that we probably had another 6 months of this crap before it got better.
If I could bottle the look I was given I'd never have to buy weed killer ever again :)
Sometimes we just want to bitch and vent for a few moments in our homes without being told that we're wrong or to calm down. That's just the reality of frustration, it breaks through sometimes especially if we are holding it down outside for one reason or other.
One positive note that we all have to remember is that unlike uncertainty following 2020, we have only a handful of months to wait until the next election to see what happens.
Food for thought. If God was in control his son would have not died on a cross... When we don't know the whole story we have no clue what can and cannot hapoen
It’s the same with my dad. He’s always complaining (bitchn’) about everything. Glued to Fox News and on the radio. Thinks I’m crazy so I don’t bother trying to explain. He’s still living in denial and thinks it’s only democrats destroying the country. God forbid he believes a Bush could be bad. I guess he’s been listening a little bit. I heard him on the phone one day. He told a friend it’s not Biden and Obama was running the country. Sweet victory, I just grinned at my husband and didn’t say anything to my dad. Then he’s to the other extreme. Says, “I wish someone would shoot Biden” He’s just a frustrated 80 year old man slowly realizing how bad things are in the country.
My husband is irritating me he said we are not in control.
My husband is getting frustrated also, getting upset at everything and everyone. They don't see the bigger picture yet, and it's hard to tell them or we may sound crazy to them, lol. Better to let them watch it unfold for themselves sometimes. I can only say so much before he says he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
I told my wife Trump would be found guilty before the verdict came in, she asked me how I knew, I just said the fix was in.
After that she was a bit doom and gloom and had to say it was all going to plan and that we probably had another 6 months of this crap before it got better.
If I could bottle the look I was given I'd never have to buy weed killer ever again :)
Sometimes we just want to bitch and vent for a few moments in our homes without being told that we're wrong or to calm down. That's just the reality of frustration, it breaks through sometimes especially if we are holding it down outside for one reason or other.
One positive note that we all have to remember is that unlike uncertainty following 2020, we have only a handful of months to wait until the next election to see what happens.
Same here.
He says if we are in charge Trump wouldn't have been found guilty.
He is sick of all this.
That is the point of the mil operation. Those who don't pay attention online will not understand until they are shown the truth.
We warned people that it will worsen before it became better.
From dark to light.
Trump will be 100% insulated from what is going to go down now
Ask him why Biden keeps extending Trump's most damning executive orders that would put Biden in prison.
I do.
He just says it doesn't mean anything.
He is fed up.
Food for thought. If God was in control his son would have not died on a cross... When we don't know the whole story we have no clue what can and cannot hapoen
YOU'VE described my wife to a tee....It's EXTREMELY PAINFUL but it has too be this way!!!!!!!!
Good Luck and Prayers...
It’s the same with my dad. He’s always complaining (bitchn’) about everything. Glued to Fox News and on the radio. Thinks I’m crazy so I don’t bother trying to explain. He’s still living in denial and thinks it’s only democrats destroying the country. God forbid he believes a Bush could be bad. I guess he’s been listening a little bit. I heard him on the phone one day. He told a friend it’s not Biden and Obama was running the country. Sweet victory, I just grinned at my husband and didn’t say anything to my dad. Then he’s to the other extreme. Says, “I wish someone would shoot Biden” He’s just a frustrated 80 year old man slowly realizing how bad things are in the country.
Sounds like my wife. She says Trumps biggest mistake was not going after Hillary.
Well that is true.
Tell her the patriots are playing the long game. Taking down one pawn offers no advantage.
Don't let it irritate you. Don't argue with him. Just know you have been given the gift of enlightenment on this military operation.
He doesn't have to agree with you. Let him think what he thinks. It's not even "hopium" it's a legit military op with receipts.
Watch this again if you are losing hope:
Thank you.
"My husband is irritating me he said we are not in control."
That's how I felt, the day after the 2020 election.
I got over it.
We all grew up a lot after that little shock I reckon.
He is fed up.
We also live in a blue state actively working to moving to a red state.
That should help.
Ultimately Trump is the instrument in which we take that control.
For the moment, it depends upon him to do so.