posted ago by Psiobs ago by Psiobs +25 / -0

Scotty's update this morning inspired me to relook at Alan Parrot, and it also reminded me of the Frost Report interview that the BBC made, and censored to hide the information about Osama Bin Laden.

Benazir was a very courageous lady looking book, and so much of what is happening today is linked to what happened back then. She was assassinated on 27 December 2007.

Please take the time to check this Benazir Bhutto Address by her at the John F. Kennedy School of Government on Friday, November 07, 1997. So much of what she talks about echoes what has happened since, and to many others by the cabal.

So glad Trump and the Q team is mopping up. We have a bright future ahead, all thanks to this operation, and all those helping.

Looking foward to peace, and unhindered growth for all nations and humanity. ♥️🐸