Haha! You could sell to your frens here and make a small fortune. Thanks for all the info. I appreciate it. I don't know how this escaped me, I usually know this stuff (often, because of this place - just like with your info) The meltability issue is very interesting. It helps to know that. Thanks again.
you're welcome/thanks for listening! I love to cook & experiment with food, so I've been searching for a couple of years now. and this link one of the best places for such info/lots of news you won't see on MSM. here's a thread about the cheese. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5677089/pg1
Haha! You could sell to your frens here and make a small fortune. Thanks for all the info. I appreciate it. I don't know how this escaped me, I usually know this stuff (often, because of this place - just like with your info) The meltability issue is very interesting. It helps to know that. Thanks again.
you're welcome/thanks for listening! I love to cook & experiment with food, so I've been searching for a couple of years now. and this link one of the best places for such info/lots of news you won't see on MSM. here's a thread about the cheese. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5677089/pg1
Great, thanks for the link. And anytime you want to talk about this stuff, feel free to DM me. I love hearing about and knowing about these things.