"He just brought up the Building Seven BBC media report where they reported that it fell 26 minutes before it actually happened while standing directly in front of the standing building but the government's official stance is to tell us to shut up and not ask questions. He says that most structural engineers will tell you this was an impossible event but the government has gotten so corrupt that the groundwork for a revolution is there, not that he wants it to happen. Free people have the inalienable right to ask whatever questions they want but they refuse to declassify JFK and 9/11 documents because they are lying and it's obvious.
"Why in the world would any 9/11 document be classified? The truth is that secrecy abets dishonesty.
The only reason to keep misdeeds hidden....
People sense there is a lot of lying about it. They are right to be very suspicious of 9/11. We can prove that because there is are many thousands of documents still classified that is proof that there is something amiss. That is true of the Kennedy assassination. It's true of everything that remains hidden from us. If this is a constitutional republic, if the people rule, what possible justification could you have of hiding something from me? Because it's my government. The answer is because it's not your government. It belongs to the people who run it. The organization exists for it's own sake not for yours. You just pay for it. That kind of justifies revolution right there. I'm not rooting for it. A lot of people die, and they rarely improve anything. However, as an academic matter, you have the groundwork for one because the system is based on a lie.And the lie is that the government serves the people. And that, of course, is not true. It oppresses the people and uses them as cannon fodder and has bank accounts for its own sake. And that's not a system that continues very long because it's fundamentally rotten.
I've heard you talk several times on building seven....
So that building got reported as being down 26 minutes before it actually fell.
Totally normal. Shut up, conspiracy theorist!
There's a woman on TV talking on BBC talking about how the building is already collapsed and it's right behind her. 26 minutes the building collapsed. What do you think?
Well, first of all, how dare you for noticing. It's really your fault for noticing that. That's the official position of Washington: Shut up.
A lot of structural engineers say it seems impossible. It seems impossible to me too.
As is the case with NATO and Trump. If your answer to a sincere question is shut up, is to attack me for asking the question... then I know you're rotten. I know you're serving evil. You're asking me for asking an obvious question. Really? I'm not a slave. I don't work for you. I'm a free man in a supposedly free country therefore I have inalienable to ask obvious question or any question I want.
That just tells me that they're bad. They've shown me they are bad. I have a bitterness and intensity."
"He just brought up the Building Seven BBC media report where they reported that it fell 26 minutes before it actually happened while standing directly in front of the standing building but the government's official stance is to tell us to shut up and not ask questions. He says that most structural engineers will tell you this was an impossible event but the government has gotten so corrupt that the groundwork for a revolution is there, not that he wants it to happen. Free people have the inalienable right to ask whatever questions they want but they refuse to declassify JFK and 9/11 documents because they are lying and it's obvious.
"Why in the world would any 9/11 document be classified? The truth is that secrecy abets dishonesty.
The only reason to keep misdeeds hidden....
People sense there is a lot of lying about it. They are right to be very suspicious of 9/11. We can prove that because there is are many thousands of documents still classified that is proof that there is something amiss. That is true of the Kennedy assassination. It's true of everything that remains hidden from us. If this is a constitutional republic, if the people rule, what possible justification could you have of hiding something from me? Because it's my government. The answer is because it's not your government. It belongs to the people who run it. The organization exists for it's own sake not for yours. You just pay for it. That kind of justifies revolution right there. I'm not rooting for it. A lot of people die, and they rarely improve anything. However, as an academic matter, you have the groundwork for one because the system is based on a lie.And the lie is that the government serves the people. And that, of course, is not true. It oppresses the people and uses them as cannon fodder and has bank accounts for its own sake. And that's not a system that continues very long because it's fundamentally rotten.
I've heard you talk several times on building seven....
So that building got reported as being down 26 minutes before it actually fell.
Totally normal. Shut up, conspiracy theorist!
There's a woman on TV talking on BBC talking about how the building is already collapsed and it's right behind her. 26 minutes the building collapsed. What do you think?
Well, first of all, how dare you for noticing. It's really your fault for noticing that. That's the official position of Washington: Shut up.
A lot of structural engineers say it seems impossible. It seems impossible to me too.
As is the case with NATO and Trump. If your answer to a sincere question is shut up, is to attack me for asking the question... then I know you're rotten. I know you're serving evil. You're asking me for asking an obvious question. Really? I'm not a slave. I don't work for you. I'm a free man in a supposedly free country therefore I have inalienable to ask obvious question or any question I want. That just tells me that they're bad. They've shown me they are bad. I have a bitterness and intensity."