15 WARNING! NSFW! African in Italy. What's happening in italy? I get pinged about zombie scenes in Milano. Zombies as in non-European mobs attacking normal people. (www.bitchute.com) posted 276 days ago by svensq 276 days ago by svensq +15 / -0 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
And no.
It wasn't the government that attacked people.
It was a INDIVIDUAL or small group of THUGS that attacked people..
NOT a fucking entire race of people.
STOP trying to destory my reputation with non sense.
I am not a babysitter.
It is not my job to handle black criminals.
That is the POLICE and DA's job.
Which is why we pay them with tax dollars.
You are trying to act like the common black person is somehow suppose to get black thugs to fucking stop!
They will shoot me to!
The crime goes on because the tax payers are EXPECTING the police and government to do their job and remove the criminals from the group.
It's not rocket science here.