338 Today Hunter was found guilty. Q post that has the gun upside down, the file name is 6_11.png -- Today is 6/11 -- Right on schedule. (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis! posted 275 days ago by queue-anon 275 days ago by queue-anon +338 / -0 74 comments download share 74 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It's a multiple week event I am sure....
Is this the conclusion on MOASS? Multiple week event, not a quick rise?
Yes. It's expected to be multiple weeks with lots of fukery involved. It depends on how long people hold,and their are many that are very very pissed off. I will sell a few on the way up and try to hold the rest to the bitter end.
Do what's best for you and your family.
pray RC doesn't dilute more, which I would expect him to (Judge based on his actions...)
2 in the last month.... just taking devils advokate role here... I want MOASS more than anyone.
He needs the money to buy my bobby shares.
I find it very interesting that they didn't roll over their 90 day t bills like they did every time in the past. They are not holding reddy cash.