Remember when Moses contended with the Pharoah of Egypt, the Pharoah had priests who could do magic, just because something is interesting, that doesn't mean it's healthy or good.
yes that's what the armor is for:) have been on this path for 50 years, seen A lot, not much phases me anymore. I just have to treat Everything as innocent until proven guilty, takes a lot to convince me. thought it was interesting that LOC would publish such writing...
yes, we do:) there's also a lot of spirit communication going on.
here's a book written by Teddy Roosevelt's ghost...
That looks more like sorcery.
Prophets don't talk to the dead, they talk to God.
not sure what to call it, it's actually quite interesting; patriotic/conservative like TR.
also thought it was fascinating that it's on a site like the LOC & Teddy R. is attributed as an author...the LOC must believe in ghosts.
Remember when Moses contended with the Pharoah of Egypt, the Pharoah had priests who could do magic, just because something is interesting, that doesn't mean it's healthy or good.
Be careful with rabbit holes, you do know what's in their until you are all the way in.
yes that's what the armor is for:) have been on this path for 50 years, seen A lot, not much phases me anymore. I just have to treat Everything as innocent until proven guilty, takes a lot to convince me. thought it was interesting that LOC would publish such writing...