On the judgement day, many will call Jesus Lord, Lord, and they will list out all of their pious works. A life time of works in His name. Even miracles. And Jesus will say to them, I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity.
It's in Matthew 7. Now, in light of that, how can someone so obviously pious and active in Jesus's name nevertheless be damned? What happened? On what basis are they judged? What did they do wrong? How can this be?
The Bible is full of contradictions. That makes sense, since it was written by an untold number of unknown men, over a period of centuries.
What doesn't make sense is saying Jesus loves and forgives all, just like his Dad ("God is Love"); and that no matter what you've done in life, Jesus will act like he never knew you.
It certainly seems to, but maybe that comes mostly from the fact that we have been lied to about what it says (in original Hebrew and Greek), and what it means.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus loves everyone. That is what people say -- people who don't read it, or who misunderstand it. The Bible itself does not say that.
Clearly, there were those who Jesus hated. He did not love everyone. People who say that WANT the Bible to say that, but it does not.
This is a common misunderstanding of the text and not a contradiction. The short version is that we are beings of sin and that we cannot earn our salvation through "works". We can only genuinely repent and ask Jesus for Mercy. The "fruit of the spirit" is "works". You choose faith first, then works follow.
What you should do is learn enough Biblical theology so that it does makes sense. Rather than insisting that it doesn't makes sense even though you clearly don't even understand it. Then you will have understanding.
Catholicism is not Christianity, it is the culmination of Babylonian paganism which was scattered around at the Tower of Babel and reconvenied at Rome. The Ceasar turned into the Papacy and wrought centuries of hell on earth to anyone who believed differently than the "church"
Tell me when Jesus commanded us to chase people down with swords drawn to give them the Gospel? Or when he told us to bow to a man and kiss his ring? They parade the pope around exactly like a pharoah. Think about it,
OK, you're operating under a different definition of Christianity than what every Christian I know uses, which is basically this:
"The firmly held belief that the Creator of the Universe so loved the world that to save it from evil, He created via the intercession of the Holy Spirit (also God) a human Son (also God), Jesus of Nazareth, who was born of a virgin and sacrificed for the sins of all humankind; that whoever believes in Jesus as the Savior of the world shall not perish but shall have eternal life in Heaven."
That's the trinity-based, virgin birth-affirming definition of Christianity that we were taught for 12 years of Catholic school.
Enjoy picking it apart or criticizing it if you must. Just understand, I have less than zero interest in arguing with anyone raised in other disciplines about their various definitions of Christianity; so the above is just FYI. I don't even practice any organized religion anymore, as they are manmade money schemes founded on greed, control, and guilt. Faith and spirituality are from God; religion is an invention of (extremely flawed) human beings.
I just see it as God, and then everything else. I don't recall Jesus claiming to be God. He claimed to be accurately representing God's nature and character, that God was his father, and that he was on a mission from God and was determined to complete it.
I see it more like "big brother obeyed Father perfectly so he got to rule all the household and we must listen to him (hence why he is now called Lord of all creation)". He also made a way for us all to be reunited with our Father (God) despite our falling short of His requirements.
Furthermore I view the Holy Spirit as an extremity of God. Since God is holy, he chooses to interface with man via this extremity. It seems kinda simple to me. The splitting up into 3 persons part is quite confusing. It makes God seem like some sort of hydra, but we know that we were "created in the image and likeness of God" so show me a person who is actually 3 persons??
Regardless of where you stand it's worth looking into and pondering without dogmatic glasses on. So much of what we've been told has proven false.
edit- check into the myths of Horus, Isis and Osiris for further info
This.. It's right in your face blatant with the ring kissing so people can practice their critical thinking skill and realize it's wrong and know Jesus wouldn't like any of that rituals that worship man and blinded us from the truth.
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.
Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible.
I wish I could quote this a thousand times, or one for each year of darkness that whore of a church wrought on the world, however many years that would be! And it still wouldn't be enough as I'm sure there are many more horrors which have gone undocumented!
The hierarchy in Christian churches of all denominations are just as guilty of profane and heinous acts before God as is the Catholic hierarchy. Your comment tacitly condones those actions in one, while condemning it in the other.
The Catholic laity has stood strong against satan in all his forms for 2000 years. If it wasnt for the everyday Catholic we would still be living under Roe v. Wade. It was our resolve that finally forced this first step back to Jesus.
Those that call themselves Christians yet denounce half the worlds population because of the evil actions of infiltrators need some time for self-reflection.
This. Carlo should just become a Christian.
Denying his Christianity?? When he's obviously one of the good guys??
That's a hot take there, edgelord
On the judgement day, many will call Jesus Lord, Lord, and they will list out all of their pious works. A life time of works in His name. Even miracles. And Jesus will say to them, I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity.
It's in Matthew 7. Now, in light of that, how can someone so obviously pious and active in Jesus's name nevertheless be damned? What happened? On what basis are they judged? What did they do wrong? How can this be?
The Bible is full of contradictions. That makes sense, since it was written by an untold number of unknown men, over a period of centuries.
What doesn't make sense is saying Jesus loves and forgives all, just like his Dad ("God is Love"); and that no matter what you've done in life, Jesus will act like he never knew you.
It certainly seems to, but maybe that comes mostly from the fact that we have been lied to about what it says (in original Hebrew and Greek), and what it means.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus loves everyone. That is what people say -- people who don't read it, or who misunderstand it. The Bible itself does not say that.
Clearly, there were those who Jesus hated. He did not love everyone. People who say that WANT the Bible to say that, but it does not.
This is a common misunderstanding of the text and not a contradiction. The short version is that we are beings of sin and that we cannot earn our salvation through "works". We can only genuinely repent and ask Jesus for Mercy. The "fruit of the spirit" is "works". You choose faith first, then works follow.
What you should do is learn enough Biblical theology so that it does makes sense. Rather than insisting that it doesn't makes sense even though you clearly don't even understand it. Then you will have understanding.
Catholicism is not Christianity, it is the culmination of Babylonian paganism which was scattered around at the Tower of Babel and reconvenied at Rome. The Ceasar turned into the Papacy and wrought centuries of hell on earth to anyone who believed differently than the "church"
Tell me when Jesus commanded us to chase people down with swords drawn to give them the Gospel? Or when he told us to bow to a man and kiss his ring? They parade the pope around exactly like a pharoah. Think about it,
OK, you're operating under a different definition of Christianity than what every Christian I know uses, which is basically this:
"The firmly held belief that the Creator of the Universe so loved the world that to save it from evil, He created via the intercession of the Holy Spirit (also God) a human Son (also God), Jesus of Nazareth, who was born of a virgin and sacrificed for the sins of all humankind; that whoever believes in Jesus as the Savior of the world shall not perish but shall have eternal life in Heaven."
That's the trinity-based, virgin birth-affirming definition of Christianity that we were taught for 12 years of Catholic school.
Enjoy picking it apart or criticizing it if you must. Just understand, I have less than zero interest in arguing with anyone raised in other disciplines about their various definitions of Christianity; so the above is just FYI. I don't even practice any organized religion anymore, as they are manmade money schemes founded on greed, control, and guilt. Faith and spirituality are from God; religion is an invention of (extremely flawed) human beings.
I just see it as God, and then everything else. I don't recall Jesus claiming to be God. He claimed to be accurately representing God's nature and character, that God was his father, and that he was on a mission from God and was determined to complete it.
I see it more like "big brother obeyed Father perfectly so he got to rule all the household and we must listen to him (hence why he is now called Lord of all creation)". He also made a way for us all to be reunited with our Father (God) despite our falling short of His requirements.
Furthermore I view the Holy Spirit as an extremity of God. Since God is holy, he chooses to interface with man via this extremity. It seems kinda simple to me. The splitting up into 3 persons part is quite confusing. It makes God seem like some sort of hydra, but we know that we were "created in the image and likeness of God" so show me a person who is actually 3 persons??
Regardless of where you stand it's worth looking into and pondering without dogmatic glasses on. So much of what we've been told has proven false.
edit- check into the myths of Horus, Isis and Osiris for further info
This.. It's right in your face blatant with the ring kissing so people can practice their critical thinking skill and realize it's wrong and know Jesus wouldn't like any of that rituals that worship man and blinded us from the truth.
Cool! Source?
If you want to skip ahead go to pages 49 - 64 (not the pdf page # but the book pages, its a bit jumbled up)
It was common knowledge up until around 1900s sometime... I wonder why we all don't know these things today....
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.
I wish I could quote this a thousand times, or one for each year of darkness that whore of a church wrought on the world, however many years that would be! And it still wouldn't be enough as I'm sure there are many more horrors which have gone undocumented!
The hierarchy in Christian churches of all denominations are just as guilty of profane and heinous acts before God as is the Catholic hierarchy. Your comment tacitly condones those actions in one, while condemning it in the other.
The Catholic laity has stood strong against satan in all his forms for 2000 years. If it wasnt for the everyday Catholic we would still be living under Roe v. Wade. It was our resolve that finally forced this first step back to Jesus.
Those that call themselves Christians yet denounce half the worlds population because of the evil actions of infiltrators need some time for self-reflection.