JUST IN: Satanic Temple member found guilty of possession of 'very disturbing' child pornography in Idaho: police. "Numerous files of very disturbing child abuse and child pornography were found in Russell's possession during the investigation. Russell is a member of the Idaho chapter of The Satanic
I’ll be completely honest. Many years ago, when I heard about the Satanic temple, I thought it was a goof. When some Christian group wanted a religious statue in a public park, the satanists put a goat thingy in the park too. I thought they were trolling, even though the word “trolling” didn’t exist yet. I never, ever, thought it was serious and real. Turns out it is. I thought it was a bunch of goofballs laughing it up over a case of beer, trying to mess with people. I thought they were more about separation of church and state, and using a goat demon to make their point, while also making themselves chuckle. Nope.
Thank you for sharing this. It is real and it is not good,
The Satanic Temple is indeed a troll group. They're mostly agnostics and atheists who push back against what they see as religious people (mostly Christians) violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
This is just The Satanic Temple, though. The Church of Satan and other Satanic groups are different and are "real" Satanists.
The people in The Satanic Temple don't believe in Satan as he/it is portrayed in the Bible. Their definition of Satan, from their website: "Satan is a symbol of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds."
They got classified as a religion in order to get the same benefits as other religions, like tax exemptions. They also demand to be able to do whatever other religions do, like put religious material up in schools.
I'm not a big fan of hypocrisy, so I don't have a problem with them. And I still don't have a problem with them, even with one of their members potentially being a pedophile. Because, like I said, I'm not a big fan of hypocrisy.
Because I'm pretty sure there's been a pedophile a time or two amongst members of pretty much every denomination of Christianity. And then you have the entire Catholic Church, of course.
The very fact that this was posted, and a point being made of it being a member of the Satanic Temple that did it shows exactly why the Satanic Temple does what it does in regards to trolling Christians.
Unless I've missed posts here about a member of some Christian church being suspected of being a pedophile, and the main point of the article and posting it was that he was a member of that Christian church. But I doubt I missed any post like that.
I always feel like there real purpose is to normalize stuff like worshiping satan, same as they did with the whole lgbt stuff leading into support for pedophiles with the whole MAP movement.
That is how the cabal works, they are pretty good at brainwashing people into following down the bad path.
They might be pretending to be larping but Q has told us many times the most evil people in the world all believe satan is real and what evil things they do is related to that, hillary clinton being a witch for example. They believe in it absolutely so when i see a group that is pretending they are doing for some other reason i have my doubts.
Also thought it was interesting that the founder was studying false memory syndrome in college as well because a lot of the real victims of satanic ritual abuse get attacked saying they have false memories and its used to discredit them.
Also doing a little digging he seems like a gov asset being a white supremacist at some point, going by various names, pushing flat earth nonsense, seems the leftys on reddit don't like him either
Lucien Greaves history
More info on his fascist and flat earth roots
As always look what is beneath the cabal uses many tactics to warp the youth, look at who runs pornhub, onlyfans and the like all used to subvert society and make things worse by encouraging bad behavior.
You don't think atheists are evil? Or do you think atheists believe in Satan? Or are evil, but just not that evil?
So let me get this straight.
All these people in The Satanic Temple are only pretending to be atheists and agnostics who oppose religion being spread in schools or displayed on government sites. And whenever they see some religious stuff being put up in schools or on government sites, and they sue to have stuff from The Satanic Temple put up alongside it, it's not because they actually don't like to see the Establishment Clause violated, it's really because they want to spread the worship of Satan, something as atheists and agnostics, they don't believe in.
And they only pretend to be atheists and agnostics who are pretending to be Satanists because...atheists and agnostics are so well regarded in our society?
That's pretty damn complicated to go to all the trouble of getting qualified as a religion in order to do all that.
Especially when a Church of Satan and other Satanist groups already existed.
The rank and file members may be larpers, but the management could simply be lying about their intent and belief.
Like being a Little Bit Pregnant ?
I'm not sure what you mean.
Nope. LaVey brand Satanism is just hedonism and is also atheistic and centered on self, not Satan.
Fooled you are.
Hedonism / pride --Just one small bite of the apple
More pedophiles in public schools than the Church.
This tired old lie is itself satanic.
What, that there are a lot of pedophiles in Catholic churches? Really? That's a lie?
If by a lot you mean an above average amount, then yes, total lie.
The Catholic faithful are the vanguard. As such, the Church hierarchy has been infiltrated and subverted for centuries. In todays time there is a full court press to discredit and destroy Catholicism and the sheep regurgitate the tropes put out by the propaganda masters.
I separate the laity from the hierarchy. The Vatican no longer represents Catholics. Bergoglio is the antipope. If only the other Christian denominations could see the evil that presides over them as clearly as Catholics see the demons within the Church.
We have our Champion, Vigano, while it remains unchecked and unopposed in other denominations.
So God didn't keep His promise that the Gates of Hell will not prevail against His Church? And are we not all Christ's sheep, with His Church as our shepherds?
To call the Pope a heretic is the opposite of the tradition for which the Church stands, and is wholly uncatholic.
And I'd propose that the very press used to discredit Catholicism is used against the Pope. He's said his fair share of incredibly based, and incredibly anti-establishment things. It's just never reported on, since they're too busy claiming he's pro gay for saying some shit like "don't murder gay people".
If the Pope is evil, why does he compare trans to nuclear bombs? Why does he consistently say things that affirm Catholic doctrine and fly in the face of Satan's agenda? Why does he never say anything that's actually against Catholic doctrine?
Sure, it's simple to just call him a liar, but what can the tiny little Vatican do if it actually opposes the powers at work in our world? Such a hand wave completely ignores the complex politics that are at play.
Ultimately, to personally declare that the Pope is evil, is to be a protestant. It's no different. You are elevating yourself above the leaders of the Church because you view your own personal interpretation of events and your own views as being more valid than the views of those who are to shepherd us. It's the same lack of faith in God to preserve His Church, it's just veiled behind some machinations of a shadow church and a false Pope, as if that doesn't just establish that the Church has fallen to begin with.
Also, the laity is the hierarchy. The bottom of it, to be precise. The same kind of thinking that gave us Protestantism and rebellion from tradition is what gives people this idea that the masses are somehow above their teachers. It's an inversion of the system that God imposed.
We are supposed to trust and follow our teachers, since they are the ones God has entrusted to teach us and lead to us. To not trust them, is to not trust God. To pick and choose who you listen to based on whether or not they disparage the Supreme Pontiff (i.e. whether or not they agree with what you already believe), is to really just make yourself your own god, just like Protestants do.
And personally, I feel pretty well represented when the Pope says trannies are nukes and that "there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican". I don't agree on climate change, but I also don't make it a point to call him a heretic for going off the information he is given on that one. Trump's not a climate scientist, and neither is the Pope.
Sorry, I disagree. I was raised Catholic so I'm very familiar with the church. ONE priest abusing a child is too much. Just ONE.
So you're an atheist now? Or at least an agnostic, right?
Surely you're not one of those filthy Protestants? Just like those evil horrible pedophile pastors! (this is sarcasm)
And more seriously, surely you're not under the impression that one priest being bad makes the whole Church invalid? Priests are not infallible and are not perfect, that would go against scripture which the Church never does.
If the Church was susceptible to the machinations of the Devil and the sinfulness of Man, it would have fallen a millennia ago. And that's being generous. We can scarcely keep a functioning government going for 300 years, let alone 1000.
I have always felt this way as well. Though, I assumed they were basically legislative auditors; much like the people challenging public buildings with video. It’s insufferable at time how they approach it, but the freedoms we DO have are often directly tied to their tactics. The satanic temple keeps church OUT of public school. I also believe that Christianity would win the day among all other religious groups in a public school setting, but I disagree with it having the “legal” opportunity. First amendment rights and all were supposed to challenge our faith; Christ wants that. I wholeheartedly believe the power of the Almighty, so I don’t need the public battle as my form of discipleship, that’s all.
I just noticed this part of your comment. That's the first time I've heard that idea, that the Establishment Clause is a good thing because Christ wants our faith challenged. That's a really interesting viewpoint and one I'll be bringing up in conversations about the Establishment Clause in the future. Thanks for sharing it.
My personal viewpoint is that it's difficult to find two people in the same church who agree on all the big ticket items in life, much less people from different denominations and religions.
While many religious people may agree that God needs to be put back in schools, they certainly don't agree which God needs to be put back. And even those who believe in the same God can have drastically different ideas on what God wants. A Southern Baptist will have much different beliefs than a Catholic, for example. I doubt Baptist parents would be happy if a Calvanist teacher told their child free will doesn't really exist. And I can imagine what a Lutheran parent would say if a Pentecostal teacher sent their daughter home for wearing pants and advocated snake handling.
So that's why I believe religion should be kept out of schools and should be taught by the parents and their church if they go to one.
I doubt all of them are agnostics or atheists, but they seem to be the vast majority. I'm sure many of them are 1st Amendment hawks and such.
We have been on the EXACT SAME PAGE!
If you are not serving God†, you are serving satan.