My mother and her friends are in their 70s. They are black democrats still.
All of them agree that Michelle Obama would be a big mistake.
They want Newsome.
My mother and her friends are in their 70s. They are black democrats still.
All of them agree that Michelle Obama would be a big mistake.
They want Newsome.
When the media started hinting at Michael taking Bidet’s place, I wondered how many blacks that have recently started favoring Trump would switch sides again and want Michael just because he’s black or because he’s married to Obummer.
I don't think it would work as good now.
A lot of blacks just wanted to get over that barrier of "The first black president". Now that is over.
It's just not the same anymore.
Yeah Obomber's black vote went down when he ran for re-election after all, I remember a section of the "Uncle Tom" documentary on it about a lot realizing they had been hoodwinked.
Yeah.. it’s not the same anymore. Most blacks wanted Obama just to break history.
Now that it’s been done. It’s not as big of a deal anymore.
Once awake one never goes back.