Yes, because it wasn't enough to simply lie and cheat their way to victory. The Socialists will now resort to trying to destroy her as well. Seriously...fuck these cabalists.
Yes. she won everywhere except in Paris. Paris is filled with enclaves of migrants from all their former colonies. You cannot walk through these areas.
Remember when paris used to be like the goto romantic vacation destination? Now if I had a wife i'd rather take her watch the bums shit in the san Francisco streets lol
Man, for a second, I was hoping this headline was going to be about Marine Le Pen's campaign investigating the incumbants for fraud... but no. What complete dirt bags these a-holes are.
France stole this election no doubt. And now they are going to prosecute political rivals. French people have been in the streets pretty much non stop the last 6 or so years demanding change. They dont have a q to tell them to sit back and stand by
I have no dought they will when the time finally comes. There are some mighty fine carpenters in that country that know their way around a wood shop and definitely know a few bladesmiths.
Same globalists, same tactics. SMH.
Playbook known
France has become a corrupt third world country going after conservative popular politicians. I wouldn't doubt there was election cheating there also.
Are they copying the USA or did we copy them?
1776 - 1789; they definitely copied the US.
Yes, because it wasn't enough to simply lie and cheat their way to victory. The Socialists will now resort to trying to destroy her as well. Seriously...fuck these cabalists.
If I’m not mistaken they have done this to her before. I remember her talking about it in her debate with Macron.
stand up for your country France!
Same ole playbook
Proof she scares them. The public want her
Yes. she won everywhere except in Paris. Paris is filled with enclaves of migrants from all their former colonies. You cannot walk through these areas.
Remember when paris used to be like the goto romantic vacation destination? Now if I had a wife i'd rather take her watch the bums shit in the san Francisco streets lol
What a surprise. S/
The process IS the punishment.
Don’t worry France! Our 4th amendment rights don’t exist in America either.
So true.
Next, toss her in prison. They will lock her away for the rest of her life. This is what commies do.
Playbook known. They are predictable and that will finally be their downfall now that we know how the game is played.
Exact same playbook as when they installed themselves in America and went straight to prosecuting their political opponents in Trump's circle.
and Bolsonaro in Brazil
Man, for a second, I was hoping this headline was going to be about Marine Le Pen's campaign investigating the incumbants for fraud... but no. What complete dirt bags these a-holes are.
I guess that case will make into the French courts if anything is found and they will try to put her in jail.
France stole this election no doubt. And now they are going to prosecute political rivals. French people have been in the streets pretty much non stop the last 6 or so years demanding change. They dont have a q to tell them to sit back and stand by
Exactly. VOTER FRAUD. Le Pen is France's Trump.
At least they don't use dominion voting machines. Right? smh
Coming to a western country near you
Welp, that didn’t take long…
The French people need to rise up and take their country back!
I have no dought they will when the time finally comes. There are some mighty fine carpenters in that country that know their way around a wood shop and definitely know a few bladesmiths.
The french have done far more in that respect than we americans have in the last 8 years
Patience running thin but I suppose French people have to feel the pain as well to wake up
New World Politics. The winner gets the bribe, and the loser gets jail so they can never win again.
Singing (with printed lyrics) begins at 1:05…
This news comes just two days after the Socialists/Communists engineered election theft to win the election.