posted ago by Jamezelo ago by Jamezelo +27 / -0

Its not about politics, this is biblical at its finest

It's not about a vote, its about hope for the highest

It's a movie, DC is panickin'

It's about innocents, its about child traffickin'

It's about good and evil, the longest war in history

The war that's been forged for infinity

It all seems confusing but truly there's simplicity

I'd say don't shoot the messenger - but who is even listening?

Its about morals its about faith

it's about mortals forced to play the game

It's about the ones who dont got voices

And the ones fooled by the illusion of choices

People, it's good and evil, how else can I say it?

The storm is comin, get ready for some changes

They use fear, they weaponize hysteria

But it'll take more than that to kill America