The fishing scene is from Godfather, which you already knew.
Q said, "words mean something"
To take Godfather without the III, and try and equate it to something, is like taking the Snow from line above without the White and assigning meaning to it.
lol, right but the screenshot of Q119 says Godfather III. A nice little rectangle separates the Godfather from the III. That is same thing as putting a rectangle around the Snow in Snow White, and claiming it means something.
Close but no cigar.
The Q drop says Godfather III
The fishing scene is from Godfather, which you already knew.
Q said, "words mean something"
To take Godfather without the III, and try and equate it to something, is like taking the Snow from line above without the White and assigning meaning to it.
Actually this happened in The Godfather: Part II - the second film - but yes, same problem.
Did Q make any other Godfather references, without numbers?
Not in that Q screen shot that I see. Forgetaboutit mate. It's all good.
It's from the 2nd movie.
Q didn't say "words mean something"
lol, right but the screenshot of Q119 says Godfather III. A nice little rectangle separates the Godfather from the III. That is same thing as putting a rectangle around the Snow in Snow White, and claiming it means something.
But it's all good mate.