Actor Biden isn't going any place. He was put in place to make certain Trump wins 2024, and he is playing his part to perfection.
His second in line has also been acting the fool on a regular basis so that the sheeple do not want her.
The elites and the media are trying to push actor Joe out, but Joe won't go. Joe had better have security better than what Trump had if he is going to make it to November. They are not beyond taking out Trump and they are not beyond taking out actor Joe to try to keep the Presidency and stay in power.
Actor Biden isn't going any place. He was put in place to make certain Trump wins 2024, and he is playing his part to perfection.
His second in line has also been acting the fool on a regular basis so that the sheeple do not want her.
The elites and the media are trying to push actor Joe out, but Joe won't go. Joe had better have security better than what Trump had if he is going to make it to November. They are not beyond taking out Trump and they are not beyond taking out actor Joe to try to keep the Presidency and stay in power.