IMO all medical goods and services should now be either non-profit or not-for-profit. Also, outlaw insurance. The insurance companies selling malpractice insurance, thereby forcing doctors to raise their rates, and then selling the patients medical insurance since we can no longer afford medical treatment, is an absolutely beautiful scam - if you can stomach such things.
That's all the gov't involvement I want in my medical decisions.
The malpractice insurance is because of frivolous lawsuits. My mom had leukemia for 15 years or so, which is essentially AIDS. She picked up a bacterial infection at a hospital which gave her a super high fever. They administered some experimental drug to take the fever down (dunno the name) and the side effect was that it shut down her colon. Her body poisoned itself to death. The hospital claimed she died from leukemia, but no, she died from the bacterial infection and the medicine, both from the hospital. Sure, my family could have sued and made a fortune, but where does that come from? Everyone else paying high hospital expenses. America is a society of litigation and healthcare legislation is written by ambulance chasers.
IMO all medical goods and services should now be either non-profit or not-for-profit. Also, outlaw insurance. The insurance companies selling malpractice insurance, thereby forcing doctors to raise their rates, and then selling the patients medical insurance since we can no longer afford medical treatment, is an absolutely beautiful scam - if you can stomach such things.
That's all the gov't involvement I want in my medical decisions.
The malpractice insurance is because of frivolous lawsuits. My mom had leukemia for 15 years or so, which is essentially AIDS. She picked up a bacterial infection at a hospital which gave her a super high fever. They administered some experimental drug to take the fever down (dunno the name) and the side effect was that it shut down her colon. Her body poisoned itself to death. The hospital claimed she died from leukemia, but no, she died from the bacterial infection and the medicine, both from the hospital. Sure, my family could have sued and made a fortune, but where does that come from? Everyone else paying high hospital expenses. America is a society of litigation and healthcare legislation is written by ambulance chasers.
You're not wrong. I guess I should add that lawyers would only receive 5% of any awards to my wishlist.