Thanks! I do tend to forget this from time to time…..darn that logic, truth, and common sense from getting in the way of all those lies, trickery, and deceit (🤣🤣🤣).
Wheeellllll, in actuality, Jet Fuel (JP-8) does NOT "Melt Passport Paper". Pretty sure that paper does NOT melt.
What a Fu(#ing stupid Meme. Whoever made it originally and then whoever reposted it here are idiots.
Regrettably, 9/11 happened. But the reality of the chemistry and physics of what happened ARE real. I called it (buildings coming down) as I watched in real time - because I am pretty damned good at Physics.
Idiots who know nothing about Math, Physics or Chemistry come up with these idiotic theories.
If you want to discuss whether the "terrorists" were on the planes or if their passports were planted, THAT is a different discussion.
Thanks! I do tend to forget this from time to time…..darn that logic, truth, and common sense from getting in the way of all those lies, trickery, and deceit (🤣🤣🤣).
It's good to bring it back sometimes.
And don't forget the loose change scattered about! Nickels, dimes and quarters don't melt either.
Not to mention that even boards like this are infiltrated by the enemy.
Not everyone has to agree with every point about 9/11, afterall the conspiracy is wide and multi faceted.
It takes a while but at some point one discerns between people who truly want to learn vs those that are sent here to propagate false information.
Wheeellllll, in actuality, Jet Fuel (JP-8) does NOT "Melt Passport Paper". Pretty sure that paper does NOT melt.
What a Fu(#ing stupid Meme. Whoever made it originally and then whoever reposted it here are idiots.
Regrettably, 9/11 happened. But the reality of the chemistry and physics of what happened ARE real. I called it (buildings coming down) as I watched in real time - because I am pretty damned good at Physics.
Idiots who know nothing about Math, Physics or Chemistry come up with these idiotic theories.
If you want to discuss whether the "terrorists" were on the planes or if their passports were planted, THAT is a different discussion.
And yeah, "brain_dead" says it all.