So now Biden is angry because Kamabla and freinds have pulled a coup, tossed Biden aside.
I remember Biden saying, "we created the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"
What are the chances Biden gets revenge by telling the American people the truth about 2020 election fraud? There have been several cases involving 2020 election fraud that has popped up recently. Does Biden save his own ass and testify against the crew that forced him out of the 2024 election?
Great point and reminder. But more evidence is allowed in a Civil Trial then at a Criminal Trial. Important we keep eyes on what evidence will be provided to the public from the Civil Trial.
Lots of questions in regards to whether there's any connection between the ownership of Smartmatic and Dominion. I don't trust AP News but here's a good article on this subject:
Another sauce:
Thank you for the link. This and the new court ruling in Az is about to expose ot all.
Drip... Drip.. Drip. Drip, drip, drip, drip,drip,dripdripdripdripdrippppppppp...
Amen, it is about to burst wide open.
If one region is doing it, all of the regions are.
Amen, like cancer it spreads everywhere.
Good. Now let's do it here.
Appears the tide is changing with these charges and the new Court ruling out of Az.
The wheels of justice grind so slowly they actually go back in time.
Amazing how much more is exposed with slow and methodical.
Now do the United States.
There is a reason they were told to check all of their machines.
Lol, will my theory turn out to be spot on?
So now Biden is angry because Kamabla and freinds have pulled a coup, tossed Biden aside.
I remember Biden saying, "we created the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"
What are the chances Biden gets revenge by telling the American people the truth about 2020 election fraud? There have been several cases involving 2020 election fraud that has popped up recently. Does Biden save his own ass and testify against the crew that forced him out of the 2024 election?
Outstanding and thank you. This really needs to be included in any posts now. Thank you for sharing his.
Lets see what evidence is released in this Civil Hearing.
And there is he connection to Venezuela. Maybe this is why they were hopping around like crazy?
Now apply this information Globally and their elections. Proving President Trump was right again.
So they werent able to rig the elections in the country that the voting machine company president is from? Hahaha!
It is now all unraveling on the DS and their Globalist Masters.
Tip of the iceberg.
A small step to be sure, but one in the right direction at least.....
Amen, lets see what more evidence thwe curts will provide us in this Civil case.
Be aware the bribery charges only relate to securing the contracts, not for flipping votes. Though I'm sure that will come later.
Great point and reminder. But more evidence is allowed in a Civil Trial then at a Criminal Trial. Important we keep eyes on what evidence will be provided to the public from the Civil Trial.
Smartmatic is a MI5 and CIA front, used with great success to overturn election all over the world.
Believable. Got any sauce to share with normies?
Amen and this is now being exposed to the world.
How is Smartmatic related to Dominion Voting systems?
DS connections. They all connect to the Globbalist Masters.
This should be enough to get rid of all their "voting" machines. Let's see whose voice is the loudest in Congress that would defend them.
Amen, ITA. go to paper ballots again.
You know the ones that were 'elected' using these machines will say 'Neighhh'
This screams... Timing baby. Timing.
Amen on timing. Notice so much exposure now they are now screaming pandemic in progress now.
But the code in the machines is solid, I swear!
lol, they will be in court and testifying under oath. Their perjury, if they perjure themselves will be exposed.
Lots of questions in regards to whether there's any connection between the ownership of Smartmatic and Dominion. I don't trust AP News but here's a good article on this subject:
Amen, ITA. Thak you for the link.
Told ‘em so!!!