🚨Trump unveils new border crime policies
-10 year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling
-Mandatory life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking
-Death penalty for anyone guilty of sex trafficking
-Death penalty on major drug dealers and traffickers
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

This can’t happen fast enough
We need the death penalty for bankers who launder the traffickers proceeds, as well as anyone who hires or shelters illegal aliens. Otherwise the swamp will not be properly drained.
RICO act already covers that! 500,000 sealed indictments! Await the storm!
RICO is fine for doling out long stretches in the pen. What I cited need to be on a par with treason - Capital crimes.
Once eliminated the lice cannot rise again.
Yes please.🙏🏻🔥
Death penalty for anyone involved with any amount of fentanyl crossing border
Sounds good, but that's why the cartel uses drug mules. You'll end up only taking out the low level, insignificant, and very disposable players, some of whom may be threatened or leveraged into doing the smuggling.
And if we execute all the mules? Problem?
No problem here, unless they were coerced. The was my only point.
Those knowingly and willingly doing it, sure - but we need exceptions for people who were coerced or unknowingly doing it.
What sane American would disagree with this? NONE.
He sure does love pissing off the CIA.....
It's gonna get wild when he announces RFK jr. as the new head of the CIA.
That would be hysterical! I can't wait to hear Trumps cabinet picks. That will be enlightening
Someone needed this!
Just eliminate the C-A. Unaccountable agencies breed corruption.
I hope that includes all the NGOs , the bus drivers, pilots etc...
Upvoted to 17.
Not messing around!!!
Child traffickers should get the death penalty, not life.
I say these death penalties need to be put on hold until HRC, Barry, Uncle Joe, Aunt Nancy and a whole slew of other bad players get their just rewards.
They will probably be found guilty of one or more of these....
Is this the real reason many are claiming they will leave the USA if Trump is publicly known as POTUS?
I still think the extreme victims that we would uncover, the victims should have a say in what happens to the predator once the predator is found guilty.
For instance the victim should be able to push the button if they want to.
I hope you don't get thrown in the slammer if you dabble in drugs. I don't but never liked the idea of a nanny state. The rest of the stuff I'm ok with.
Dealers only.
I heard him say Illegal immigrant criminals.
Let's throw in the same - or far worse & LESS lenient - punishment for anyone & everyone involved in opening the border, fighting / punishing states like Texas for even attempting to secure their border, and anyone fighting deportation of criminal illegals.
This! Will bring order! Anyone against this will expose themselves! Millstone around their necks!
Nipping it in the bud like a BOSS!!!
I don't think President Trump plans to apply this to US citizens. I think this will apply to illegal immigrant criminals based on what he said.