Women on the forum:
Hello! I'm new to the forum and have been browsing for a while. I have noticed people sometimes provide advice for medical situations with no cure and want to give it a shot. I'm 18F and have had practically unbearable period pains since I started my cycle around age thirteen.
Symptoms of these periods include:
- moderate to extreme abdominal pain and cramping
- vomiting multiple times within 30 minutes of starting the cycle
- stomach trouble i.e. constipation, diarrhea, severe food sensitivity
- numbness from the waist down
- muscle spasms and physical shaking from pain
- headaches and/or migraines following vertigo spells
- stiffness and swelling in arms and legs after medication
Symptoms I don't experience:
- irregular or unpredictable period cycles
- heavy or uncontrollable bleeding
- periods that last longer than seven days
- no clotting or random spotting outside of the cycle
For more background info, yes, I have talked to a doctor and seen a gynecologist. Both suggested FIVE different forms of birth control as the only solution, otherwise toughing it out of course. I am unvaxxed (no vax since 1st grade) and don't take any other medication for my cramps besides Midol. In general, I practice healthy habits in my eating and exercise frequently and nothing seems to make my periods any different.
Almost every month is terrible, with the occasional month of peace where my period is "normal" and no extreme symptoms are present. No family history other than my grandma who also had terrible periods, but she passed away and I wasn't able to ask questions.
When I start my cycle, it can be so debilitating to the point of being bedridden all day. I've had to miss work and school for my periods and am desperate for some kind of aid to put a stop to these symptoms before I begin a long-term career. Sometimes during my cycle, I've been known to throw up blood as a result of the vomiting and stomach acid build-up solely because of cramps.
Friends and family are familiar with my issue but no one I know can come up with or recommend any diagnosis or possible solutions. No other medication I've tried besides Midol will subside the cramping, but now the Midol is giving me adverse reactions.
Though this post is aimed at women who menstruate, I ask that anyone with any possible answers, advice, or recommendations comment and leave their two cents. I'd love to read and research anything left below. Thank you for reading!
I am so sorry for you to have to go thru so much pain. You sound like a very strong woman!
I would post your question on the ladies forum:
It's a shame you aren't getting proper medical treatment. I've never liked stopping a natural cycle (for instance, birth control to treat a condition, or surgery, to remove an organ) unless absolutely necessary.
I hope you get some advice that can help you. I would recommend finding a naturopath if they are available in your area.
Thank you so much! I think I will add my post to that forum, it seems like a good spot to get different kinds of tips too.
I completely agree, nope with the removal of organs or big surgeries and life-changing drugs.
A life goal I have is to start a family, so I truly hope nothing I experience now will impact my fertility; removal of an organ would run this as impossible but unless it's something like cancer, I would never consider it.
A close family member just started treatment with a naturopath nearby, so I think that's where I'm heading first, and soon.
Thank you for your encouragement and advice!