If you have the time then this video of Tucker Carlson talking to brother and sister medical whistleblowers is riveting.
It covers food, processed food chemicals, vaccines and more. It also agrees with this post. Doctors live in compartments. They never look for the cause of the disease just at drug and surgery solutions. Diet can prevent a lot of things but doctors never learn about nutrition and they get paid by the number of patients they have and the number of prescriptions they write and not by the number of people they cure.
Even if doctors were trained in nutrition it would not be helpful because the food pyramid is just a lie to get the population to eat more carbs and fiber & is what nutritionist preach.
See video about the nutrition lies: The Corruption of Our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines Dr Chaffee
Summary: Our guidelines aren't just wrong, they are corrupt. Even though Coca-Cola alone spends 11 times the amount of money on nutritional research than the NIH annually, it's not just the the Big Food companies behind it. Behind it from the beginning, and even founding some of the largest Big Food companies such as Kellogg's and Sanitarium Foods, lies another entity who has influenced the guidelines, the WHO, the McGovern Report, and even the curriculum of nutritionists and Lifestyle Medicine doctors. To find out more about these shady dealings and why you cannot trust even what is taught in nutritional science classes at major universities.
That’s a very informative video. Tucker interviewed the brother in a separate video before this aired. Linked below:
There is NOTHING wrong with carbs and fiber, the key is "everything in moderation" 😱👌
humans require fat and protein NOT CARBS we have zero essential requirements for carbs
carbs equal sugar=sickness and death
after big tobacco bought big food in the 1990's they produced the SAD diet-standard American diet-high carb low fat (with zero efficacy studies👍)
Americans' diabetes rate doubled in the next 10 yrs
If you have the time then this video of Tucker Carlson talking to brother and sister medical whistleblowers is riveting.
It covers food, processed food chemicals, vaccines and more. It also agrees with this post. Doctors live in compartments. They never look for the cause of the disease just at drug and surgery solutions. Diet can prevent a lot of things but doctors never learn about nutrition and they get paid by the number of patients they have and the number of prescriptions they write and not by the number of people they cure.
Try five minutes and see if you like it.
Even if doctors were trained in nutrition it would not be helpful because the food pyramid is just a lie to get the population to eat more carbs and fiber & is what nutritionist preach. See video about the nutrition lies: The Corruption of Our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines Dr Chaffee Summary: Our guidelines aren't just wrong, they are corrupt. Even though Coca-Cola alone spends 11 times the amount of money on nutritional research than the NIH annually, it's not just the the Big Food companies behind it. Behind it from the beginning, and even founding some of the largest Big Food companies such as Kellogg's and Sanitarium Foods, lies another entity who has influenced the guidelines, the WHO, the McGovern Report, and even the curriculum of nutritionists and Lifestyle Medicine doctors. To find out more about these shady dealings and why you cannot trust even what is taught in nutritional science classes at major universities. https://youtu.be/qRmQb0LDd2s That’s a very informative video. Tucker interviewed the brother in a separate video before this aired. Linked below: https://youtu.be/vzRjkNYT-U8
There is NOTHING wrong with carbs and fiber, the key is "everything in moderation".
There is NOTHING wrong with carbs and fiber, the key is "everything in moderation" 😱👌
humans require fat and protein NOT CARBS we have zero essential requirements for carbs carbs equal sugar=sickness and death
after big tobacco bought big food in the 1990's they produced the SAD diet-standard American diet-high carb low fat (with zero efficacy studies👍) Americans' diabetes rate doubled in the next 10 yrs
WHO PROFITS big food, big medicine and big pharma
If all you eat is fat and protein you put yourself in danger of getting kidney disease. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41419-020-03122-4
A balanced diet, like the Mediterranean diet is better.