posted ago by theladypatriot ago by theladypatriot +21 / -0

Hey there - does anyone know any alternatives to reddit for just fun chats about hobbies/interests unrelated to politics? Voat was one of few places that's now gone and I don't know of any others.. from stupid pop culture things like reality TV to DIY projects to book communities etc. It's infinitely frustrating how everything I'm interested in has a corresponding subreddit thats FULL of deep left morons with their insufferable philosophies that they bring into everything. I want to be able to discuss my interests with people who view life the same way. (e.g. in a book subreddit I'm in there's constantly people making posts about how xyz tRiGgEreD them and arguing about fcking FANTASY characters using leftist morality and it bleeds into every post. say you like a character and some REEEtard comes in saying hE's a MiSoGyNisT!!1 this sort of shit is driving me insane). surely there is an alternative that has a similar forum structure?? thanks in advance frens.