Check out dr Hulda Clark’s work on parasites and cancer. Deworming is necessary to the body of unwanted guests. Black walnut tincture + wormwood tincture + freshly ground cloves (spice)
Ivermectin cleaned me of parasites. Didnt see any but the change in my gut health told me it was so.
With ivermectin you take a 5 days course to kill the parasites and then wait 10 days and do another 5 day course to kill the eggs, larvae, whatever before they can lay new eggs. Something I learned about intestinal parasites is that the eggs dont hatch until the "mother" dies. When she does she sends out a chemical signal to hatch.
Check out dr Hulda Clark’s work on parasites and cancer. Deworming is necessary to the body of unwanted guests. Black walnut tincture + wormwood tincture + freshly ground cloves (spice)
That either didn't do shit for me or any parasites were microscopic and couldn't be seen anyway. Didn't feel any different after 30 days of it either.
Ivermectin cleaned me of parasites. Didnt see any but the change in my gut health told me it was so.
With ivermectin you take a 5 days course to kill the parasites and then wait 10 days and do another 5 day course to kill the eggs, larvae, whatever before they can lay new eggs. Something I learned about intestinal parasites is that the eggs dont hatch until the "mother" dies. When she does she sends out a chemical signal to hatch.
How many mg per day?
I’m curious as well.