On the 7th day He rested. Seven thousand years to create what many believe was in 7 man days?
The first day took a thousand years to separate the light and darkness. Which lead to…
to God time does not exist but to give it a value. 1000 man years = 1 God year. Makes us wonder other such things like dinosaurs are giants? A whole hidden planet we are in.
Jesus returned 2000 ish years ago. That is only 2 days for God.
On the 7th day He rested. Seven thousand years to create what many believe was in 7 man days?
The first day took a thousand years to separate the light and darkness. Which lead to…
to God time does not exist but to give it a value. 1000 man years = 1 God year. Makes us wonder other such things like dinosaurs are giants? A whole hidden planet we are in.
Jesus returned 2000 ish years ago. That is only 2 days for God.