posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +151 / -0

There is a lot of dot connecting going on these days. We need to start digging again and putting pieces together as new evidence creeps out. Most of the evidence is in the public realm. We need to put the pieces together, paint the full picture of the evil for the normies in the heat of the moment.

If you go to the 11:30 mark of the video below, it talks about the Oprah connections to Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein. The first half of the video talks about Naomi Campbell.

50 Cent LEAKS Evidence Of Diddy USING Oprah & Naomi Campbell To Lure Victims


Here is an aspiring actress who says she was lured in by Oprah and Naomi Campbell to be a sex toy for Weinstein.

Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me


Last but not least, Oprah promoted John of God, a spiritual leader from Brazil who was convicted of raping hundreds of women, impregnating them and selling the babies on the black market.

John of God the Brazilian healer of the Left raped 300 women


First some background info:

Let's establish HRC was involved with the Embassy Art program.

When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State she was involved with an Embassy Arts program through the State Department. The same State Department that more recently has approved the many billions of dollars and military equipment given to Ukraine.

Secretary Clinton Hosts Dinner for Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies


Hillary Clinton will give five artists medals for embassy art


Here is a Vanity Fair article that was written by Hillary Clinton herself, pushing the Embassy Art program.

The Diplomacy of Art


There was much research given uncovering the behind-the-scenes activities of this Embassy Art program and this article below puts all of it together in one neat little package. I admit, some of it sounds far-fetched however, we learn each day the depravity of these people would gag a maggot.

Modern Art Scandal Uncovered: Are Children Shipped In Boxes as “LIVE ART” Under The “ART FOR EMBASSIES PROGRAM” To Feed Pedophiles and Cannibals?


The article above has a link to the video below. Two young children in the United Kingdom explaining how they were being sexually abused by many members of their community and forced to take part in sacrificing babies, draining their blood. (Insert Haitians in Springfield Ohio here).

Gabriel and Alisa Seeking Help from Scotland yard Officer to Release Them From a Cult Ring


After watching the above video, getting a realization of the enormity of this satanic cult in their community, expand that and realize how much more widespread the practice could be in the elite circles. Then ask yourself why the United Kingdom conspired with HRC to spread the Russia allegations against Trump, it is called self-preservation. They never thought she would lose. They knew Trump would bring the temple down on their heads.


Here is the dot connecting section:

Tying Oprah to the HRC art crowd.

Oprah’s Devotion to the Arts Helped Raise $3.4 Million for MoMA

The recipient of the 22nd Annual David Rockefeller Award was none other than the extremely charitable, Oprah Winfrey.


Look at the names in the above article who are associated with the art society, many of the will jump out at you.

With all the immoral connections in Oprah's history, dropping her in this crowd of freaks with a hidden sex cult camouflaged as an art program makes sense.

Wikispooks Oprah Winfrey



The Five Eyes intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are party to the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.


Supposedly this alliance of countries spied on each other to uncover threats of terrorism. However, these same countries were the originators of terrorism. If I had to guess, they were not monitoring terrorism, they were monitoring communications exposing their satanic cult practices in an attempt to keep the truth hidden. These Five Eye countries were at the top of the list for rights abuses during the Covid pandemic. Pushing oppression on their own people in an attempt to hide their own sins turns into treason. NCSWIC