My mom has terminal pancreatic cancer and the oncologist has stopped treatment and recommended hospice. They're giving her just weeks to live.
I just bought the ivermectin horse paste. I know its a long shot. Hail Mary at this point.
I know many here have experience. Please help. How much should i dose her with? Will there be any negative side effects?
THIS IS 100% A FACT. Also, expect the Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction. When u kill off the nasties, the dead stuff releases toxins as your body is cleansing. Tons of fluids and anti-oxidants help. I have been dealing with this exact thing this week. I started an anti-parasitic protocol Monday and holy hell did I feel like hot garbage for about 3 days. Feel pretty amazing now though. Brain fog and lethargy just vanished. Im pretty stoked how well it is working, and just as freaked out wondering what the hell was I infected with 😂