I hope this this is deep fake. Lefty friend sent me this tik tok video. Anybody know anything?
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If it IS real, it doesn't seem logical. Not a good look just before the election IMO.
You think the gold sneakers were more tactful? 😅 in all seriousness, Trump is an unabashed capitalist , and is at least giving someone a product instead of getting it through money laundering.
why should republicans be poor?
why should Christians not have nice things?
poverty is torture. it's not for good people, it's for the opponents of good.
Christians may have nice things ONLY if they remember those nice things do not belong to them, they're merely the steward of them. Remember it is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into heaven.
yawn. that's only specified like 98000 times in the Bible.
it's also a sin to be poor and claim to be Christian. Abraham is the model Christian, and he was blessed in all things.
Stop associating wealth with evil and Christianity with poverty. That's evil.