WW3 segment of the precipice can only happen if Iran/ Russia or China enters a kinetic war with US. We have seen that Russia refuses to get baited into it. With China, even the Taiwanese are not co-operating with this agenda. So it leaves Iran.
How will Iran enter a kinetic war with US?
If US attacked them first (They tried this with Trump and legend has it that John Bolton still screams in his sleep when he remembers how Trump pretended to go with this and in the last minute pulled out).
Iran attacked Israel and Israel paints itself in such a dire corner that its either "Israel is about to die" or "US to the rescue"
I think the scenario unfolding is the 2. Israel needs to taunt and provoke the middle east so much, that there is no choice but for Iran to attack them directly, and severely.
(Actually, while I was still thinking about writing this theory down, this part of the scenario already started unfolding today).
But the danger in this plan is that if Israel goes into the deep end provoking all its enemies, and is left hanging without US support, then its game over for them - not just their Zionist ambitions, but also their very existence.
I think the Trump assassination attempts were their poor efforts in making Trump believe that Iran is after him. In getting him softened up to be able to goad him into striking Iran.
Trump is playing this game. Hence the rhetoric against Iran. We know the gambit is paying off, just look at the time line:
Sep 16th - Trump's second assassination attempt
Sep 17th - Israel Pager attack against Hezbollah and since then Israel has been boldly escalating their attack until:
Oct 1 - Iran finally attacks Israel
Israel starts getting pounded by its enemies, slowly turning the tide against them.
Israel starts getting more and more desperate.
Trump will keep up the rhetoric "We need to crush Iran"
Zionists will do ANYTHING to make sure Dems will not succeed in toppling Trump in 2024.
There is already a BIG proof that this is the case:
17 Sep - P Diddy arrest threatening. We are hearing Kamala's connection to Diddy.
October Surprise will be Kamala + Diddy confirmed connection - probably much worse than the Hillary emails.
By nov 5th, Israel is at the verge of destruction and they desperately need Trump to win.
Dems desperately need to stop Trump equally badly.
The ensuing kinetic fight between the Zionist faction and the Islamist faction will be so intense that they will end up destorying each other, in the process of fulfilling two prophesies:
Q Precipice that brings about Great Awakening
Biblical prophecy of destroying the enemies of the real Israelites (of couse we know Zionists are not the real Israelites, but actually fake Jews)
And in the process, guess what? The whole Albert Pike's 3 wars to enslave humanity is finally turned around against the Satanists themselves in an exact mirror.
Instead of Jews vs Muslims as a pretext to destroy the rest of the world, we have the Zionists vs Islamists (the controllers on both side) getting destroyed, while the whole world awakens.
There is one more side game that is possible. A lot of people on the Dem side might realise that if they side with Israel drop the support of their Islamist assets and promise to help Israel instead of Iran, the Zionists might find them more palatable than trusting Trump yet again. Not sure how many / how far this will go, but I am expected we will see it in the form of infighting within the Dem camp and give us a lot of entertainment. Its possible this will come via the Pelosi/Newsome faction, but they will realise that they are so deeply enjoined with the Islamists that it would be hard for them to switch sides.
Then you are missing the point. Arrest is not the end goal. You can arrest a million people and if there is no Great Awakening to go with that, there will be a million more to take their place.
The goal is for human consciousness to arise and awaken. That is why they have us divided; to keep us distracted on a lower energy level. I believe this is why Q wanted us to stay comfy - we are here to spread truth, hope and positivity.
Can't believe you were downvoted so much for your post.
That point isn't lost on me. I've been following Q from the start and understand why things are happening and how. But the movie at this point is long and I'm like the kid at the theater who needs to pee but doesn't want to leave his seat because he's afraid of missing the best part. So, in the interest of getting to the john, I'd love to see what I consider the best part, namely arrests, perp walks of politicians, doctors, lawyers, heads of corporations, clowns of all types, military brass, etc.
There is still plenty of time fren. The way all this will play out, be prepared for the worst case of another year, remembering the timeline.
What I am saying is, dont hold yourself from going to the John. You definitely wont miss it all.