posted ago by ftc316 ago by ftc316 +36 / -0

Why are any precincts, counties, or election officials in any state, especially in swing states, releasing any type of information about early voting turnout, results or anything related to what is currently coming in for voting totals for the Presidential election? This is another reason that Democrats are able to cheat like they did in 2020. F the SAVE act, we need the SERR act. Simultaneous Election Results Reporting. No polling station, city, town or county should release any results until EVERY one in the state has their totals ready to upload and everyone uploads their results at the SAME BAT TIME, SAME BAT CHANNEL. Screw the fake news and their election night coverage. Screw their projections, exit polls and screw them entirely. Fake news was one of the reasons they were able to cheat last time. They convince you of things that were NOT TRUE. F'N Foxnews calling Arizona in 2020 is a perfect example. Let them all eat crow and have nothing until every vote is counted and every state reports 100% vote totals at the same time. Even it it means the next day, or days after the election. They can't cheat in Detroit, Philadelphia, Fulton County, Maricopa County, etc. after the fact if they do NOT know what they need to win to shove in all the bogus ballots to make up the difference like in 2020. No more 18% reporting, 26% reporting, 72% reporting. It should be 100% reporting and every town should do it all at the same time after all the votes are counted. It's so simple