Respectfully but I disagree. We DO NOT have a cabal controlling every aspect of our lives. If we did we wouldn’t be able to have conversations like these. I personally believe my life is not in the control of any human. Trust and believe I am NOT naive and I have had experiences that confirm this. I also believe that Q proof or no Q proof I know who wins in the end. That is NOT the same thing as saying or doing nothing toward helping the cause. In WWII there was a massive campaign to get the American people to believe in Victory right off the bat. Why? Because if you do not believe without a doubt you will not go all in on the fight. If you fight from fear you exhaust yourself. If you fight from hope you can go just that much harder that much further. You said go out to your community. I agree with you there but if I show up scared and desperate how am I any different than the opposition? If I don’t believe this battle is winnable then how am I possibly going to convince anyone else? Moreover I can’t and I won’t live in fear. If God tells me not to fear then who are they to be a louder voice than his? I would rather assume the victory than accept being defeated. We are all different you may need that other possibility to continue on but not everyone does.
Respectfully but I disagree. We DO NOT have a cabal controlling every aspect of our lives. If we did we wouldn’t be able to have conversations like these. I personally believe my life is not in the control of any human. Trust and believe I am NOT naive and I have had experiences that confirm this. I also believe that Q proof or no Q proof I know who wins in the end. That is NOT the same thing as saying or doing nothing toward helping the cause. In WWII there was a massive campaign to get the American people to believe in Victory right off the bat. Why? Because if you do not believe without a doubt you will not go all in on the fight. If you fight from fear you exhaust yourself. If you fight from hope you can go just that much harder that much further. You said go out to your community. I agree with you there but if I show up scared and desperate how am I any different than the opposition? If I don’t believe this battle is winnable then how am I possibly going to convince anyone else? Moreover I can’t and I won’t live in fear. If God tells me not to fear then who are they to be a louder voice than his? I would rather assume the victory than accept being defeated. We are all different you may need that other possibility to continue on but not everyone does.