I was asked to show this movie at our County GOP headquarters. I did NOT want to watch it again - I was raised in North Minneapolis. It hit close to home for me. I showed it tonight and was shocked at the number of people that showed up and had never seen it. This is a great movie to get into everyone’s mind before November 5. The Harris/Walz ticket can NOT be allowed! It is free online at thefallofminneaplis.com - it is also free on YouTube.
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Yes. Jesus called the god the Pharisees worshipped the “father of lies” — but they kept the law.
You might want to realize the Old and New are two different books.
Strange how the New Testament “God” promotes so many of the Old Testament “god”s thoughts (quotations are only to emphasize your paradigm) by citing his scriptures in the New Testament 855 times out of 7959 verses.
You are free to continue thinking this path, but it’s not going to end well for you, and I pray you see the truth on the matter. I may not be the one speaking the truth, but what you are saying is absolutely false.
Jesus himself refuted the things you are claiming. The only way to come to these conclusions is by getting lost in Paul’s words over Jesus’, or by misconnecting group/name associations.
It’s been done before, by Marcion, in 144 AD. Worth noting that Marcion may have been a Phoenician..
The key to understanding the Bible as a Christian is to start with Christ (and all the NT teachings) and use that as the lens to understand the rest.
The OT is cited because this was the historical narrative that God used to reveal Himself through Christ.