It is a replica because I don't think you could even be in the same room with the real ark. I think the priests wore bells on their robes so others would know he was still alive. No bells meant he died. I think that was the Ark, but I might be thinking of something else.
I believe all that is in the past - under the Old Covenant. The New Covenant of Jesus Christ puts it this way: “However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says" - Acts 7:48. The last physical Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. The Ark of the Covenant has seemingly disappeared from history. Was it hid when the Priests realized that the 1st Temple was going to be destroyed? Some believe that the Ark of the Covenant wasn't even in the 2nd Temple (Herods")!
Matthew 23:38: "See, your house is left to you desolate." Jesus issued a devastating but necessary judgment upon the entire temple-priest syndicate, a money changer operation corrupted beyond any spiritual usefulness for God's people.
So many dispensational or Zionist-leaning Christians tend to think there is still some spiritual significance to old covenant paraphernalia, or a certain physical piece of real estate. But they miss the weight of Jesus' words of final judgment in Matt 23. Jerusalem, particularly the temple and priestly system, was supposed to be the spiritual loci for God's people. To gather and commune with a holy God through offerings, sacrifice, worship, and taking refuge in his special but dangerous Glory presence contained in that place and that system.
But Jesus, after final judicial inspection of the fig tree and its being barren of any fruit (Mark 11), announced that Glory presence would once for all abandon that house. "Desolate" = no more specific space and time system of atonement and cleansing from the guilt of sin. From then on, one must come to faith in Jesus Christ through the preaching ministry of his ambassadors the apostles.
That's why the author to the Hebrews wrote something interesting a little later in that same century to Jewish Christians who were considering going back to the old covenant religious practices. The author argued that, since the risen Christ who was the fulfillment of the priesthood and the temple had ascended triumphantly, and once and for all made a sacrifice for sin, that all "Jewish" religious rituals dependent on the old covenant system of altar and sacrifices are DEAD works that must be repented of (Hebrews 6:1). They can only come to Christ in order to be near to God, to receive grace, forgiveness and cleansing from sin.
The ark of the covenant? Long long long long gone and done with. God's intense, holy presence no longer descends upon inanimate objects like that, not since He sent His only begotten Son in flesh and blood.
Why does DJT have a venerated replica of it? Likely due to Chabad family entanglements. Make of that what you will.
Thanks for your excellent summary! When I read comments such as yours I am encouraged in my faith. I realize that I'm not alone in how I view the broad scope of scripture.
I've been in "the Way" for about 42 years. Sadly, for the 1st 20 years of my Christian walk I was a dispensationalist. In fact I taught dispensationalism to junior high, high school and college age young people. I can't believe I missed the clear teachings of scripture for so long. At any rate I've since "repented" of my ignorant and unlearned ways.
Matthew 23 is a powerful condemnation of apostate Israel. The fig tree in Mark 11 along with the olive tree in Romans 11 gives us a picture of the true Israel of God. In Revelation John spoke against those who call themselves "Jews" but are of the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9 & 3:9).
The replica that DJT has could just be for the benefit of dispensational/evangelical Christians who are still tied up with the necessity of a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. Or a hat tip to his Chabad family entanglements - or both!
Maybe Trump is just a huge fan of Raiders of the Lost Ark? My friend who used to work for McFarlane Toys has a casting from the original gold Hovitos idol prop used in the beginning of the movie.
Good stuff. Yes, I also had my dispensational phase decades ago. And tried to convince others in those errors, ugh. But we can't beat ourselves up too much, the end times campaigns and intricacy with how those Dispie bible teachers isolated and chopped up prophetic sections of scripture seemed so convincing, since they worked without an overarching framework. When there is no sense of the drama and progression of redemptive history from Genesis to Revelation, it's easy to misunderstand or ignore how Paul argued for example in Romans 4 and Galatians 3-4 how the blessings promised to Abraham were meant to be for all nations through the Seed promise fulfilled in Christ.
Many stories about the location/disposition of the Arc of the Covenant. Some say that that was the real reason why the Templars were in Jerusalem for as long as they were, and that they spirited it out of Jerusalem and to France, and then to Scotland, and then eventually to the USA, etc. Still others say that it was brought up the Nile to Ethiopia and is still there today.
Lots of stories. Not a lot of proof for those stories.
Thoughtful, although your wall looms ahead - "Do this in memory of me."
Recreating the outward sign of the holy act must be done at a dinner table or altar, right? So it would seem clear that the hidden nature of the hoarding priestly class of the Hebrews was being rebuked, not a blanket condemnation of any sacred space for all time.
Once you've used bread and wine in the doing this in memory of Him, you can't just toss excess things out in the garbage! You need a place to keep the blessed artifacts. Especially since evil sacrilegious people try to steal then to desecrate them, so a secure but visible place, because nothing should be hidden from the faithful... See how this goes?
Yes I've heard that's a possibility. Or it's buried under the Temple mount.....or well I believe there's a couple more theories that are thrown out there. I told my wife it she ever runs across a box, at a garage sale, covered in gold, with two angels on the lid to let me know!!!
Was the ark not needed for the new covenant? I'm thinking of Ron Wyatt's talk about the blood of Christ falling through the rent earth and dropping onto the ark, the blood of the covenant fulfilling scripture.
Ark needed for the new covenant? Yes but not in the same fashion as the Old Covenant! Think Jesus...
An interesting word in the Bible is “propitiation.” It is often translated “mercy-seat.” There is a connection between the imagery of the Old Testament system, and our Savior’s role in the redemption of man.
“And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holy of holies; having a golden altar of incense, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was a golden pot holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; and above it cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy-seat; of which things we cannot now speak severally” (Heb. 9:3-5).
What is the significance of this? In the New Testament Christ, is designated as our “propitiation.”
“being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: whom God set forth to be a propitiation, through faith, in his blood, to show his righteousness because of the passing over of the sins done aforetime, in the forbearance of God” (Rom. 3:24-25; emphasis added).
Jesus is the covering for sin, as previewed by these Old Testament prophetic images. By means of his death, and our response to the requirements of “the faith” system, all our past sins are covered.
Later in Romans, Paul pinpoints precisely when this occurs.
“Or are ye ignorant that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him through baptism unto death: that like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:3-4).
Um, the ark wasn't 'needed' for the old covenant, as it was established before the ark was constructed, and the comparison escapes me, sorry. The commandments weren't the covenant, they were symbolic of it, the most direct and lasting gift from God to his chosen nation, held with other sacred relics of His direct aid, in the ark, on an altar. They were outward signs of a divine reality ("sacrament"). I feel that the new gift of Himself eclipses the old, and so it made sense to me that the passing of old to new would be accomplished in the sacrament of the outpouring of His Blood - sign of the new and living covenant - onto the ancient altar that requested the old and held the venerable gifts. Nothing else, just sacramental closure.
As someone who "builds physical things", I'm not sure I believe it's 100% made out of gold. I'd say some parts are hollow cast, but most likely the majority is gold leafed...But what do I know...
According to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was constructed under the supervision of Moses, as instructed by God, during the Israelites’ wilderness wanderings after the Exodus from Egypt. The detailed instructions for building the Ark are found in Exodus 25:10-22 and 37:1-9.
Materials and Dimensions
The Ark was made of acacia wood (Exodus 25:10, 37:1).
Its dimensions were: 2.5 cubits (approximately 3.75 feet or 1.14 meters) long, 1.5 cubits (approximately 2.25 feet or 0.69 meters) wide, and 1.5 cubits high (Exodus 25:10-11).
Decorations and Coverings
The Ark was overlaid with gold (Exodus 25:11-12).
A golden crown or mercy seat (Hebrew: כפורת, kapporet) was placed on top of the Ark (Exodus 25:17-22).
Two cherubim, made of gold, were placed on the mercy seat, facing each other, with their wings spread upward, overshadowing the Ark (Exodus 25:18-22).
Um, your the one who wrote "made entirely out of gold" , aren't you TaQo?
Or if you are quoting someone else, you should have indicated that using quote marks and citing source.
A kilo of gold is quite small. Gold is heavy as shite. I think there is zero possibility this is made "entirely out of gold". Covered with gold sheeting/foil would make sense. Pretty sure the original was specified that way, NOT entirely of gold, but gold covered.
[1] And Bezaleel made the ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half was the length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the height of it:
[2] And he overlaid it with pure gold within and without, and made a crown of gold to it round about.
But to this day nobody knows just what "shittim wood," is. And as an interesting aside, Moses anointed the Priest's ear with blood.
I dunno... When someone says that something is made ENTIRELY of something... that excludes other materials... I mean if we're speaking English and all...
Or ....Were we supposed to infer that their improper wording was supposed to mean that there's no "gold by the inch" brass here.... only real gold.
Who knows... One would think precise language would be important when discussing...oh I don't know... something that God gave instructions to build.
Your headline doesn't indicate it's copied. And the image doesn't say entirely made of gold. Sorry to assume you wrote the headline, but it looks that way, and clearly most people read it that way. It's not a big deal either way, as that volume clearly doesn't match 6 pounds of gold with nothing else added. If you made the error yourself or if you copy-pasted and transferred the error, the post title clearly appears to be wrong.
The main thing is that Trump has many ways to use his riches, and it's pretty awesome that he cares enough to have a replica of The Ark and he dedicated a lot of gold to do it right. Not worth getting hung up on the details.
Right, if 6 pounds of gold is used in the mixture with other metals, then there is still 6 pounds of gold. If it's gold leafed coating then it's gold leaf, but it would still be 6 pounds. It could very well be leaf cause 6 pounds is i think around 72 ounces if my internet search is accurate lol.
Exactly... People who don't own gold coins lacking spacial awareness don't understand how little 6# (troy or imperial) really is ... It would collapse under its own weight without wood etc in the middle of the "sandwich".
If I'm not mistaken, the biblical specs called for it to be constructed of wood and then guilded.
Israel is pissed at Trump for still having a precious artifact that was loaned to them, then everything got balled up in returning it because of the plandemic
Here's one article I found on it, it wasn't the original I had seen ages ago, but it'll do :)
These aren't exact details in the Bible... it's a basic blueprint. Sure you can make something according to the words but it's not going to be an exact replica. It's a likeness or similar but no one on earth knows what the original looked like so there can be no replica.
The two Rings one can see on the side are to carry the Ark. they are way too fragile for the Ark being made of pure Gold. Now the "Replica" aspect of this post, of course its a replica, but not of the one mentioned in the Bible, but the one from Hollywoods Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark
Scripture tells us that the Temple in Jerusalem is to be restored. Many artifacts like this must be rebuilt. I’m thinking this Arc would be a great gift from Trump to be placed into the new Holy of Holies.
It could just mean that the entire Bible is meant to be interpreted spiritually. Check out Neville Goddard. Someone here mentioned him once and I looked him up. Changed my view on the Bible completely.
That's your interpretation of scripture! Acts 7:48 is clear: "the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says" Not to mention that scripture makes it clear that Chrisitians are the Temple of God under the covenant of Jesus Christ.
I personally believe that the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ-The Lamb of God, His shed blood had to be sprinkled on the mercy seat as a fulfillment of Scripture. The Ark was hidden in one of the underground tunnels during one of the sieges against Israel. When the Roman soldier pierced Jesus’ side blood and water poured out and there was an earthquake. Jesus’ blood dripped down thru the ground and landed on the mercy seat. Whether or not we can touch the ark now if it was found I do not know. But the 4 inch thick curtain being rent in two unto the Holy of Holies might suggest we could touch it since communing directly to God thru Jesus is now possible. Jews love their tunnels and Israel and New York are full of them.
Here's Adam Savage getting electrocuted by his "friends" on myth busters when they tried building a replica of the Ark (they wired up a power supply) - typical half-baked reality show bs:
The Bible contains exact instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant. I would think that if you're going to create an exact replica, you would do so according to those instructions:
Has anyone researched "Ark of Gabriel" discovered in Saudi Arabia a number of years back? Didn't it require the Russian Navy and Patriarch Krill to transport it to the South Pole? Just asking g for a friend.
My understanding if that the Ark of the Covenant disappeared after the 1st Temple was destroyed. Research whether the Ark of the Covenant was even in the 2nd Temple (Herod's). The entire Temple sacrificial system had become corrupted during the 2nd Temple period. Jesus told that bunch of reprobates (High Priests) that they had made His house into a den of thieves instead of a house of prayer.
I'm still waiting for the show to finish, but here's a rough synopsis:
"Strange Happenings In Saudi Arabia
"By James Donahue
"In September [24 September 2015?] CNN News reported a stampede that left over 1,000 people dead and hundreds more injured during a “stoning the devil” ritual at the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
"Television cameras portrayed workers in hard hats pulling bodies from piles of humanity, searching for anyone still alive. Hundreds of ambulances were dispatched to the scene.
"The story noted that the disaster happened just 13 days after a crane collapse at the Grand Mosque in Mecca killed more than 100 people.
"It said Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef bn Abdulaziz called an emergency meeting to discuss the disaster. Details of both incidents were thin.
"On December 24 a strange story involving the Russian Navy began circulating the Internet. It seems the research ship Admiral Vladimisky had been dispatched to the Saudi port city of Juddah, the gateway to Mecca, to pick up a mystery artifact uncovered by construction workers at Mecca and carry it to the Antarctic.
"The artifact, identified as the “Ark of Gabriel,” was uncovered Sept. 11 [12 September 2011?] by builders working on a major renovation of the Grand Mosque, the story stated. While digging deep under the mosque the workers opened a tunnel where they found what was described as a mysterious box. Fifteen workers were killed that day by a violent “plasma emission while attempting to remove the artifact. According to a blogger named Sorcha Faal, who revealed the story on line, the force of the blast shot up out of the hole and toppled a large construction crane and killed another 111 worshipers gathered at the mosque.
"Another blast occurred on September 24 when a second attempt to remove the artifact was made. This time it left over 4,000 dead, the Faal blog claimed. The extend of the disasters was downplayed by Saudi authorities who wanted to cover up the severity of events that occurred at the mosque."
Once you realize how much the cabal uses movie & TV plots to communicate and realize most sci-fi "ISN'T", a lot of understanding opens up.
Can anyone find a higher resolution image of the stone reliefs behind the ark and on that window? I only see one photo from James, and one from Lara Loomer, and neither one is any higher resolution than this one.
Are those monkeys reading a book? Why would the ark be sitting in front of that? What are the other reliefs?
Is it really a replica? lol
I guess you could do the touch test.
No thanks. I'll let someone else go first. lol
It is a replica because I don't think you could even be in the same room with the real ark. I think the priests wore bells on their robes so others would know he was still alive. No bells meant he died. I think that was the Ark, but I might be thinking of something else.
I believe all that is in the past - under the Old Covenant. The New Covenant of Jesus Christ puts it this way: “However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says" - Acts 7:48. The last physical Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. The Ark of the Covenant has seemingly disappeared from history. Was it hid when the Priests realized that the 1st Temple was going to be destroyed? Some believe that the Ark of the Covenant wasn't even in the 2nd Temple (Herods")!
Matthew 23:38: "See, your house is left to you desolate." Jesus issued a devastating but necessary judgment upon the entire temple-priest syndicate, a money changer operation corrupted beyond any spiritual usefulness for God's people.
So many dispensational or Zionist-leaning Christians tend to think there is still some spiritual significance to old covenant paraphernalia, or a certain physical piece of real estate. But they miss the weight of Jesus' words of final judgment in Matt 23. Jerusalem, particularly the temple and priestly system, was supposed to be the spiritual loci for God's people. To gather and commune with a holy God through offerings, sacrifice, worship, and taking refuge in his special but dangerous Glory presence contained in that place and that system.
But Jesus, after final judicial inspection of the fig tree and its being barren of any fruit (Mark 11), announced that Glory presence would once for all abandon that house. "Desolate" = no more specific space and time system of atonement and cleansing from the guilt of sin. From then on, one must come to faith in Jesus Christ through the preaching ministry of his ambassadors the apostles.
That's why the author to the Hebrews wrote something interesting a little later in that same century to Jewish Christians who were considering going back to the old covenant religious practices. The author argued that, since the risen Christ who was the fulfillment of the priesthood and the temple had ascended triumphantly, and once and for all made a sacrifice for sin, that all "Jewish" religious rituals dependent on the old covenant system of altar and sacrifices are DEAD works that must be repented of (Hebrews 6:1). They can only come to Christ in order to be near to God, to receive grace, forgiveness and cleansing from sin.
The ark of the covenant? Long long long long gone and done with. God's intense, holy presence no longer descends upon inanimate objects like that, not since He sent His only begotten Son in flesh and blood.
Why does DJT have a venerated replica of it? Likely due to Chabad family entanglements. Make of that what you will.
Thanks for your excellent summary! When I read comments such as yours I am encouraged in my faith. I realize that I'm not alone in how I view the broad scope of scripture.
I've been in "the Way" for about 42 years. Sadly, for the 1st 20 years of my Christian walk I was a dispensationalist. In fact I taught dispensationalism to junior high, high school and college age young people. I can't believe I missed the clear teachings of scripture for so long. At any rate I've since "repented" of my ignorant and unlearned ways.
Matthew 23 is a powerful condemnation of apostate Israel. The fig tree in Mark 11 along with the olive tree in Romans 11 gives us a picture of the true Israel of God. In Revelation John spoke against those who call themselves "Jews" but are of the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9 & 3:9).
The replica that DJT has could just be for the benefit of dispensational/evangelical Christians who are still tied up with the necessity of a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. Or a hat tip to his Chabad family entanglements - or both!
Maybe Trump is just a huge fan of Raiders of the Lost Ark? My friend who used to work for McFarlane Toys has a casting from the original gold Hovitos idol prop used in the beginning of the movie.
Good stuff. Yes, I also had my dispensational phase decades ago. And tried to convince others in those errors, ugh. But we can't beat ourselves up too much, the end times campaigns and intricacy with how those Dispie bible teachers isolated and chopped up prophetic sections of scripture seemed so convincing, since they worked without an overarching framework. When there is no sense of the drama and progression of redemptive history from Genesis to Revelation, it's easy to misunderstand or ignore how Paul argued for example in Romans 4 and Galatians 3-4 how the blessings promised to Abraham were meant to be for all nations through the Seed promise fulfilled in Christ.
Excellent post, ty.
Many stories about the location/disposition of the Arc of the Covenant. Some say that that was the real reason why the Templars were in Jerusalem for as long as they were, and that they spirited it out of Jerusalem and to France, and then to Scotland, and then eventually to the USA, etc. Still others say that it was brought up the Nile to Ethiopia and is still there today.
Lots of stories. Not a lot of proof for those stories.
Thoughtful, although your wall looms ahead - "Do this in memory of me."
Recreating the outward sign of the holy act must be done at a dinner table or altar, right? So it would seem clear that the hidden nature of the hoarding priestly class of the Hebrews was being rebuked, not a blanket condemnation of any sacred space for all time.
Once you've used bread and wine in the doing this in memory of Him, you can't just toss excess things out in the garbage! You need a place to keep the blessed artifacts. Especially since evil sacrilegious people try to steal then to desecrate them, so a secure but visible place, because nothing should be hidden from the faithful... See how this goes?
Way to bring it back to the Word.
No, it’s quite probably kept by the Ethiopians in Axum. No, you and I can’t see it.
Yes I've heard that's a possibility. Or it's buried under the Temple mount.....or well I believe there's a couple more theories that are thrown out there. I told my wife it she ever runs across a box, at a garage sale, covered in gold, with two angels on the lid to let me know!!!
Was the ark not needed for the new covenant? I'm thinking of Ron Wyatt's talk about the blood of Christ falling through the rent earth and dropping onto the ark, the blood of the covenant fulfilling scripture.
Ark needed for the new covenant? Yes but not in the same fashion as the Old Covenant! Think Jesus...
An interesting word in the Bible is “propitiation.” It is often translated “mercy-seat.” There is a connection between the imagery of the Old Testament system, and our Savior’s role in the redemption of man.
“And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holy of holies; having a golden altar of incense, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was a golden pot holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; and above it cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy-seat; of which things we cannot now speak severally” (Heb. 9:3-5).
What is the significance of this? In the New Testament Christ, is designated as our “propitiation.”
Jesus is the covering for sin, as previewed by these Old Testament prophetic images. By means of his death, and our response to the requirements of “the faith” system, all our past sins are covered.
Later in Romans, Paul pinpoints precisely when this occurs.
Um, the ark wasn't 'needed' for the old covenant, as it was established before the ark was constructed, and the comparison escapes me, sorry. The commandments weren't the covenant, they were symbolic of it, the most direct and lasting gift from God to his chosen nation, held with other sacred relics of His direct aid, in the ark, on an altar. They were outward signs of a divine reality ("sacrament"). I feel that the new gift of Himself eclipses the old, and so it made sense to me that the passing of old to new would be accomplished in the sacrament of the outpouring of His Blood - sign of the new and living covenant - onto the ancient altar that requested the old and held the venerable gifts. Nothing else, just sacramental closure.
Was when they entered the holy of holies. They put a rope around their ankle so if they entered with sin and died, they could get pulled out.
Know any gullible libertards?
All the ones that are atheists...
Lol ...
Marion.... Don't look at it!
Just don't open it up.
yeah I saw that movie
Had a dude named Indy in it lol.
Well...there is that possibility 😁😁😁
That was my first question.....
My first thought.
Beat me to it. Kek.
6 POUNDS of gold ....
As someone who "builds physical things", I'm not sure I believe it's 100% made out of gold. I'd say some parts are hollow cast, but most likely the majority is gold leafed...But what do I know...
According to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was constructed under the supervision of Moses, as instructed by God, during the Israelites’ wilderness wanderings after the Exodus from Egypt. The detailed instructions for building the Ark are found in Exodus 25:10-22 and 37:1-9.
Materials and Dimensions
The Ark was made of acacia wood (Exodus 25:10, 37:1). Its dimensions were: 2.5 cubits (approximately 3.75 feet or 1.14 meters) long, 1.5 cubits (approximately 2.25 feet or 0.69 meters) wide, and 1.5 cubits high (Exodus 25:10-11). Decorations and Coverings
The Ark was overlaid with gold (Exodus 25:11-12). A golden crown or mercy seat (Hebrew: כפורת, kapporet) was placed on top of the Ark (Exodus 25:17-22). Two cherubim, made of gold, were placed on the mercy seat, facing each other, with their wings spread upward, overshadowing the Ark (Exodus 25:18-22).
-- Brave AI
It says 6 pounds of gold. Wouldn't matter how the gold is applied, as long as the weight is 6 pounds
It matters to someone who makes things when they say:
Specs matter
Um, your the one who wrote "made entirely out of gold" , aren't you TaQo?
Or if you are quoting someone else, you should have indicated that using quote marks and citing source.
A kilo of gold is quite small. Gold is heavy as shite. I think there is zero possibility this is made "entirely out of gold". Covered with gold sheeting/foil would make sense. Pretty sure the original was specified that way, NOT entirely of gold, but gold covered.
But to this day nobody knows just what "shittim wood," is. And as an interesting aside, Moses anointed the Priest's ear with blood.
No because it is a picture thread... and you can't edit it to include a link.
HOWEVER, I did link it several times, including the very first post in this thread.
Read the comments before you post calling names...
They didn’t say the entire thing only weighed 6 pounds, but that 6 pounds of gold was used.
Exactly what they said was:
I dunno... When someone says that something is made ENTIRELY of something... that excludes other materials... I mean if we're speaking English and all...
Or ....Were we supposed to infer that their improper wording was supposed to mean that there's no "gold by the inch" brass here.... only real gold.
Who knows... One would think precise language would be important when discussing...oh I don't know... something that God gave instructions to build.
iirc the original was supposedly made of wood overlaid with gold.
I don’t care about anything you just said, but you used “infer” correctly so I like you.
Stay tuned ....momentarily is next 🙄🙄🙄
The article didn't say it wrong, but OP put that "entirely made of gold" in the post headline.
I copied and pasted the text from the original tweet with ZERO modifications...
Your headline doesn't indicate it's copied. And the image doesn't say entirely made of gold. Sorry to assume you wrote the headline, but it looks that way, and clearly most people read it that way. It's not a big deal either way, as that volume clearly doesn't match 6 pounds of gold with nothing else added. If you made the error yourself or if you copy-pasted and transferred the error, the post title clearly appears to be wrong.
The main thing is that Trump has many ways to use his riches, and it's pretty awesome that he cares enough to have a replica of The Ark and he dedicated a lot of gold to do it right. Not worth getting hung up on the details.
Yeah - was too verbose to add, "link in comments"
One would think at this stage in the game veterans to GA would know to look in the comments for the sauce, which I ALWAYS add, because sauce or GTFO.
But ... it's Monday and I suppose brains haven't recovered yet from all that drinkin liquor brain dehydration...😁😁😁
Right, if 6 pounds of gold is used in the mixture with other metals, then there is still 6 pounds of gold. If it's gold leafed coating then it's gold leaf, but it would still be 6 pounds. It could very well be leaf cause 6 pounds is i think around 72 ounces if my internet search is accurate lol.
Who said it was entirely out of gold?
or 87.5 troy
The corrector stands corrected lol, completely missed we’re talking about Troy ounces because I’m too stupid to invest in precious metals
Kinda’ like a “Henweigh”?
OP; it's in the post headline.
See the tweet I linked...
I didn't dv you BTW
Yeah, I wasnt sure if you said it or someone else. Down votes don't hurt my feelings lol. Np.worries.
You are right. 72 Troy ounces.
Likely made of gopher wood (cedar?) with gold leaf.
the wording is unfortunate, the actual ark isn't even solid gold.
Photo shop alert! The table was placed in the picture to make it look like the Arc does not levitate!
How do you think he gets his orders from God? Trump is on a mission from God.
Well, maybe they got the frequency wrong when building that thing and Trump is receiving orders from someone else than God...
You would be surprised.
Gold plated maybe
Would be more than six pounds of gold
But neat nonetheless
Exactly... People who don't own gold coins lacking spacial awareness don't understand how little 6# (troy or imperial) really is ... It would collapse under its own weight without wood etc in the middle of the "sandwich".
If I'm not mistaken, the biblical specs called for it to be constructed of wood and then guilded.
Yeah, I saw that and had the same reaction.
Very interesting, TIL about the Hebrides Revival. I pray he becomes on fire and bold in the Holy Spirit as well.
Why does he have such a propensity to get missed by even actual bullets?
This image comes to mind:,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2017_21/2010956/170524-pope-trump-cr-0444_crop.jpg
Because no one officially knew where it was didn't mean the church didn't have it.
We have top men working on it now.
Faces will be melting soon
LOL. I'd laugh if they opened this up right in the middle of a full GITMO.
"Replica" LMAO.
That'd be a f****** trip if that was actually it. I would think it would look more worn though.
This post got hijacked by things not related to the question
Thank you! I thought the same thing. The question is WHY does Trump have it? Sheesh.
Any guesses Young Pat?
Good question. It's too expensive to be just a casual collection item, even for Trump. Maybe he thinks God is with him and leading the people?
This will require some serious thinking.
Yup. And it may be to remind him that his first covenant is with God. The second is with the US constitution.
Israel is pissed at Trump for still having a precious artifact that was loaned to them, then everything got balled up in returning it because of the plandemic
Here's one article I found on it, it wasn't the original I had seen ages ago, but it'll do :)
They say antiquities (plural) but only mention a menora...
Great find. Fascinating.
Because NCSWC that's why.
Don’t open it unless you want your face to melt.
Could this be the "beam of light"? u/#q703
EXACT REPLICA... as if they know what the original was... everything's a lie
The Bible contains exact instructions:;CEB
These aren't exact details in the Bible... it's a basic blueprint. Sure you can make something according to the words but it's not going to be an exact replica. It's a likeness or similar but no one on earth knows what the original looked like so there can be no replica.
Fair enough.
Lol, the real Ark of The Covenant is buried somewhere on Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
I hope nobody opens it. It would cause people to melt and explode.
The two Rings one can see on the side are to carry the Ark. they are way too fragile for the Ark being made of pure Gold. Now the "Replica" aspect of this post, of course its a replica, but not of the one mentioned in the Bible, but the one from Hollywoods Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark
Scripture tells us that the Temple in Jerusalem is to be restored. Many artifacts like this must be rebuilt. I’m thinking this Arc would be a great gift from Trump to be placed into the new Holy of Holies.
We are the Temple that is to be restored. The Temple is the House of God and the Body of Christ wherein God dwells, which is us.
This is what I'm thinking. Does it mean we get a Pleiadean DNA upgrade or something to that effect?
It could just mean that the entire Bible is meant to be interpreted spiritually. Check out Neville Goddard. Someone here mentioned him once and I looked him up. Changed my view on the Bible completely.
That's your interpretation of scripture! Acts 7:48 is clear: "the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says" Not to mention that scripture makes it clear that Chrisitians are the Temple of God under the covenant of Jesus Christ.
I personally believe that the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ-The Lamb of God, His shed blood had to be sprinkled on the mercy seat as a fulfillment of Scripture. The Ark was hidden in one of the underground tunnels during one of the sieges against Israel. When the Roman soldier pierced Jesus’ side blood and water poured out and there was an earthquake. Jesus’ blood dripped down thru the ground and landed on the mercy seat. Whether or not we can touch the ark now if it was found I do not know. But the 4 inch thick curtain being rent in two unto the Holy of Holies might suggest we could touch it since communing directly to God thru Jesus is now possible. Jews love their tunnels and Israel and New York are full of them.
There is some pretty compelling evidence that this is the case,
Yeah I saw that documentary. I don’t see a reason for Ron Wyatt to have lied.
Who's the guy in the pic?
James O'Keefe
James O’keefe
This guy has a playlist of him building a pretty nice looking full size Ark of the Covenant replica if you had interest:
Here's Adam Savage getting electrocuted by his "friends" on myth busters when they tried building a replica of the Ark (they wired up a power supply) - typical half-baked reality show bs:
The Bible contains exact instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant. I would think that if you're going to create an exact replica, you would do so according to those instructions:;CEB
Ark not arc. Spelling matters :)
Has anyone researched "Ark of Gabriel" discovered in Saudi Arabia a number of years back? Didn't it require the Russian Navy and Patriarch Krill to transport it to the South Pole? Just asking g for a friend.
My understanding if that the Ark of the Covenant disappeared after the 1st Temple was destroyed. Research whether the Ark of the Covenant was even in the 2nd Temple (Herod's). The entire Temple sacrificial system had become corrupted during the 2nd Temple period. Jesus told that bunch of reprobates (High Priests) that they had made His house into a den of thieves instead of a house of prayer.
I ran across these links over a year ago...just hung on to them in case something made sense. Hat tip to a previous GAW commentor (Anon teamwork!!): (From comments at ""
Then ""
I'm still waiting for the show to finish, but here's a rough synopsis:
"Strange Happenings In Saudi Arabia
"By James Donahue
"In September [24 September 2015?] CNN News reported a stampede that left over 1,000 people dead and hundreds more injured during a “stoning the devil” ritual at the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
"Television cameras portrayed workers in hard hats pulling bodies from piles of humanity, searching for anyone still alive. Hundreds of ambulances were dispatched to the scene.
"The story noted that the disaster happened just 13 days after a crane collapse at the Grand Mosque in Mecca killed more than 100 people.
"It said Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef bn Abdulaziz called an emergency meeting to discuss the disaster. Details of both incidents were thin.
"On December 24 a strange story involving the Russian Navy began circulating the Internet. It seems the research ship Admiral Vladimisky had been dispatched to the Saudi port city of Juddah, the gateway to Mecca, to pick up a mystery artifact uncovered by construction workers at Mecca and carry it to the Antarctic.
"The artifact, identified as the “Ark of Gabriel,” was uncovered Sept. 11 [12 September 2011?] by builders working on a major renovation of the Grand Mosque, the story stated. While digging deep under the mosque the workers opened a tunnel where they found what was described as a mysterious box. Fifteen workers were killed that day by a violent “plasma emission while attempting to remove the artifact. According to a blogger named Sorcha Faal, who revealed the story on line, the force of the blast shot up out of the hole and toppled a large construction crane and killed another 111 worshipers gathered at the mosque. "Another blast occurred on September 24 when a second attempt to remove the artifact was made. This time it left over 4,000 dead, the Faal blog claimed. The extend of the disasters was downplayed by Saudi authorities who wanted to cover up the severity of events that occurred at the mosque."
Once you realize how much the cabal uses movie & TV plots to communicate and realize most sci-fi "ISN'T", a lot of understanding opens up.
Indy, why does the floor MOVE?
Lol, his accent just popped into my head automatically🐸
"Why did it have to be snakes."
Do they have the real one to replicate or how do they know?
The exact instructions are in the Bible:;CEB
Cool! Thanks
Is this about Gold? Or something Biblical?
Both and it's bigger than most can imagine.
it's all symbolic. to let us know just how big this is, and how far back it goes.
lots of gold & arches in this movie. maybe that's why he still eats McDonald's...🥸🤔
remember 'keystone'...the stone that holds an 'arch' together.
Can anyone find a higher resolution image of the stone reliefs behind the ark and on that window? I only see one photo from James, and one from Lara Loomer, and neither one is any higher resolution than this one.
Are those monkeys reading a book? Why would the ark be sitting in front of that? What are the other reliefs?
Time travelers tend to pick up the best souvenirs.