I am 36 and think I am developing RA. It comes and goes every few months and I notice flare ups if I eat a lot of processed foods or junk foods in a day. The internet isn’t the best place to search for treatments so I was wondering if any of y’all had suggestions of holistic or underground approaches to help with this. I have been doing keto/ one day fasts the past month and didn’t have any issues until I had a cheat day this weekend which is what cause my suspected flare up.
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Lots of people recommend boron / borax.
I'd try sea salt, which includes boron. This guy seems to me to have the best overall health philosophy, with lots of explanation. https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/introduction/ Plus he's an anti-cabal Q supporter.
Specific arthritis info from him here: https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/?s=Rheumatism But better to read the intro first, otherwise his individual posts might not make sense.
Friend had it and the doc put him on Hydroxychloroquine daily for 6 months. That was 15 years ago and he hasn't been bothered by it since. My wife played college basketball and had several fingers broken. Arthritis set up in her knuckles and the pain was so bad we had to put warm wet rags on her hand nightly. I called a doc friend and told him. He put her on hydroxychloroquine daily for a month. The swelling in her knuckles went away within a week and she hasn't had another problem. That was about 8 years ago.
Wow! Glad to see and read this. I will ask my doctor for a prescription and if he won't prescribe it, I'll go elsewhere. Thanks! :)
Any chance you recall the dosage of hcq used in either case?
I'm thinking with my wife it was 200mg x 2 daily for the first week, then 200mg x 1 for the rest of the script (3 weeks). I'm not positive as it's been a long time but I'm pretty sure that was the dosage rate.
Ok, thanks. I also found some sites mentioning 200-400mg a day, though depends on body weight.
The pattern you're noticing - flare-ups with an ultra-processed diet - tells you everything. Processed food is highly inflammatory, as are certain healthy foods. I'd start to make the clean keto and intermittent fasting a lifestyle, or at least lower your carb count and inflammatory food intake (e.g., nightshades, wheat, peanuts, refined vegetable oils) significantly. Have you checked your fasting glucose and A1C recently? Pre-diabetes - T2D has an inflammatory component as well. If the numbers are creeping up there and you notice a difference on the keto-IF routine, you're on the right track to changing it and related issues by changing your diet. But make it sustainable so you can stick to it. Finally, you can request an inflammatory marker test from your doctor, or request/buy one yourself through certain labs. I really think you're on the right track with the low-carb/IF, though.
100% this is worth trying.
Processed foods, wheat particularly gives me the same symptoms.
Stay away from the stuff for like a month, it's not going to fix it overnight. Also you're going to be shocked how many things contain wheat.
I hope you feel better fren.
I was diagnosed with RA, did keto and the Mediterranean Diet and they changed te diagnosis to fibromyalgia…. Whatever just a label so they have an excuse not to look any further.
For me diet worked but I’d still get flare ps up too …. I think it’s seed oils. I avoid them like the plague… which means dining out is a huge problem. Lol.
I only use butter, lard, olive & coconut oil. All processed foods seem to have them.
Michaela Peterson had this along with a lot of other ailments that cleared when she went on a ketogenic diet. Her illness completely resolved (even depression) when she went full carnivore.
I think you should try taking boron supplements.
I take a little borax for my injury related arthritis, I think it will help with auto immune arthritis too, it generally reduces the inflammation.
Is this the stuff sold as a detergent booster? 20 mule team
how much would you take?
Yes that's right.
You can take a small part of a teaspoonful a day like a tenth, in slightly warm water to dissolve it. Make sure it is just borax and no other additives, I think 20 mule is OK but check.
Don't take it every day, maybe 5 out of seven maximum, it can affect hormone levels.
Boron supplements will help also detox from heavy metals and fluorides in the body.
This is not medical advice, it's just what I do.
I have been taking a 1/4 teaspoon daily for over 2 years and has healed all my arthritic joints with zero effect on kidneys and liver. (just had blood-work to check both.
It's so easy isn't it!
CBD products
Thank you frens! I will definitely get labs done to confirm my hunch, keep a clean diet low carb/ IF and try for HCQ. You are the best
I think that some take HCQ daily for this.
Peptides fren
Warrior stack - bcp157, tb500, cjc1295, ipamorlin
You can get these all from a wellness / anti aging doc for $1000s or do research and get everything for a couple hundred for a 8 week supply.
Can you share how and where such a discount on these peptides can be had? The community would appreciate it. Thank you.
Yes, let me gather some links and then I will share. Maybe I'll start a new thread and tag you.
That would be fantastic! Thank you in advance.
You could also try MMS. Noticed it helped when I took for something else.
Do not wait. See a doctor and get the simple blood test. RA is an aggressive autoimmune issue, and different from osteoarthritis. The earlier you diagnose and manage it, the more time you buy yourself.
Cotton is the most heavily sprayed of all agricultural monocrops, for starters.
For nexters, the processes used to create seed oils is literally industrial chemistry, so the "oil" ends up not only with pesticide residues but petrochemical residues, and more.
Terrible terrible thing.
Rebuild gut flora/health with whole, naturally fermented foods.
I think they also rotate peanuts with cotton, so all the poison they put on the cotton gets rotated into peanuts.
Heard that anecdote many years ago as an explanation for the rise of peanut allergies.
I read about the start of vaccine manufacturers using peanut oil as a stabilizing medium for their injections and the unending increases in peanut allergies.
where does it stop?????………and the ever present canola polymerizes with heat.
That is correct as well in some cropping systems, and I completely forgot about it. THANK YOU.
peanut allergies is vax related. they started using peanut oil as a base. peoples bodies started to overreact to the peanut protein.
lime disease is really the government tried to weaponize cow pox. ticks infected now inject the protein into people. never eat steak again if you get got.
I take 'fast joint care with NEM & turmeric - clinical strength' and mine is in the brand Genuine Health. I'm in BC, Canada where it's easy to buy and many natural health food stores available. Before I discovered this product with the added egg membrane, I took plain turmeric capsules which are very effective. The nice thing about the added egg membrain version, it actually does start helping within a week as advertized. When I am faithful at taking it, I rarely experience arthritic pain.
One could also peel the egg membranes out of eggshells, bake on low temperature to dry them well, then pulverize for powder. Add to anything you're eating.
Get all the toxins out of your daily life that you can. No scented products. No petrochemicals. No dyes. And more.
Then change your diet to remove toxins there (esp pesticides, coloring agents, etc.) and eat to reduce inflammation.
Start with a bunch of reading here: https://www.westonaprice.org/
Could it possibly be gout? Foods high in purine can cause gout. It affects the joints - usually fingers and/or toes.
I tried borax and boron, they didn't do very much.
I put a chinese medicine on my joints now, it stops the pain very well. Zheng Gu Shui: (Evil bone water)
Before I was told about this I put DMSO mixed with Black Seed oil on my joints, and then I used Magnesium Hydrochloride spray.
All were good but evil bone water is the best.
I'm in the same position. It's getting worse and need a cure.
Did anything help you with RA?