So flipping thankful that I moved out that hell state over a decade ago.
My church asked if I could help with their newly formed committee to help thwart Prop 8. To allow the state of California to honor, recognize homosexual marriage.
Unfortunately as the USA, and world is aware Prop 8 lead the way to the lame arse SCOTUS Ruling for SSM.
Below is what I shared 16 years ago.
The more I ponder over Prop 8 and the detrimental outcome if it does not pass. I am concerned, worried for my little 3 nieces
They will have everything about the Homosexual Lifestyle be taught to them in a way that says this type of behaviours are okay and tolerated by society
The more I volunteer my time and effort to share the word about Prop 8, the more my heart and soul feels liberated to stand firm in my faith and acknowledge that Marriage should remain as between a man and a woman
Goto any newspaper website in Massachusetts and you will see how this Same-sex Marriage is turning their everyday life into pure hell for the little ones
The youngest children will have the most to lose since their little minds are so impressiable at that age. Their ability to learn and to understand Marriage in a new way will cause much confusion for them
My prayers are to continue for the Sanctity of Marriage. Please join me in rasining our prayers to Heaven
Oh, how I long for our Saviours Triumphant Return.
Who would not want Heaven on earth ???
Thank you Sweet Sister 🐸