It's time for another ice breaking open question
We've all heard the phrase of Napoleon: "History is a set of lies agreed upon", but once the curtain inevitably falls on the Cabal in the coming years, we can finally undo the damage that the cabal has done to world history by uncovering secret discoveries that completely change the way our history was written.
For example, Irrefutable evidence of the Tartarian Empire's existence.
Since 1862, the federal income tax was always a scam to collect volunteers to serve as collateral. When it is replaced by some other system alleged to be more transparent, the new will be presumed to be better by comparison, so the old will need to be demonized for what it was. We sovereigns will still need to judge the new more rapidly than we did the old.
It's possible to get the real history of the secret societies and apostolates of satan, going back to Adam and Cain, in more orderly fashion so we can see the commonality of the enemy's work.