I think we really need to take a step back here. When we become in charge, we need to show the world that true power is when we have the ability and justification to harm others, but choose mercy instead. A lot of these people have been deceived or coerced into their roles. I think there should be a general amnesty. We've all said and done things that we may not be proud, heavily influenced by the culture around us. I've had thoughts and actions that I'm not proud of. But once widespread reform begins, many of these temptations will go away, so we will be fine then.
But we must be different. We know we will win in the end, but if we use the same methods and punishments, we will not appear to be any different or better. We are better than them. We cannot lash out in fear and retribution like they do. We have a higher calling.
Allowing the general public watch these Treasonous Government officials hang in a Public Square will be the best medicine against future Treason..
I think we really need to take a step back here. When we become in charge, we need to show the world that true power is when we have the ability and justification to harm others, but choose mercy instead. A lot of these people have been deceived or coerced into their roles. I think there should be a general amnesty. We've all said and done things that we may not be proud, heavily influenced by the culture around us. I've had thoughts and actions that I'm not proud of. But once widespread reform begins, many of these temptations will go away, so we will be fine then.
When we are sent off to the Gulags to be worked to death. They won't be empathetic for our own Fate. I'll let the Military decide their Fate.
But we must be different. We know we will win in the end, but if we use the same methods and punishments, we will not appear to be any different or better. We are better than them. We cannot lash out in fear and retribution like they do. We have a higher calling.