What happens if Harris gets away with stealing?
We Hold The Line!
We know that the deep state is going to cheat. We also know that Trump is way ahead in the polls (even the polls that would normally favor Harris). There is no way the country is going to favor Harris. So what will Trump and the Republican Party do if Harris steals the election, because there is no way she would actually win. You would have to be brain dead to think 2020 was not stolen. They are going to try this again. Heck they are already telegraphing their next move by saying it will take days to finalize the vote. I pray we don’t let them steal again.
I disagree. There were TONS of people watching last time and election fraud was all over the social media so bad that they had to block the election hash tags. Joe Biden getting more votes than any president in history lmfao.
I sadly agree that they might steal it again though and I have no idea what will play out after.
The only thing I do know is that they will burn the world down to avoid losing power so we all better get ready either way.
A trapped animal is extremely dangerous and yeah, those nutcases wouldn't hesitate to go scorched earth.
I believe it IS different than last time because this time around there are WAY more people voting for Trump with a personal stake in the results because of how bad their/our economic situation is.
During the last presidential election I had quit my job and was able to watch the live streaming of all the people who came forward in MI to tesify about the suspicious behavior by the Dominion workers, the videos of the GA poll workers pulling those ballots out from under the tables after everyone else had gone home and Elizabeth Parent saying that this was already disproven when it had just been found out about, the AZ investigation where that really smart dude came forward (I cannot remember his name atm) to prove the cheating, and a bunch of other evidence that pointed to election fraud.
I was positive that Joe and the ho would be recalled and things would be put to rights but that never happened and that's when my Awakening happened.
Because I was unemployed and don't have immediate family that lives with me to take care of I was able to watch all the evidence as it came in. HOWEVER, if I was a parent or had more personal tihngs going on in my life, I wouldn't have been able to witness all this - I think that was the case with a LOT of people last time.
This time however, there are more people struggling and that are counting on President Trump to win, not to mention he has waaaaay more support of the people of this country - the ones who have been awake for years, the ones who recently awoke, and the ones that know that Kackling Kamala is not the person to lead us out of this situation. They probably don't realize how much worse it will be if she wins (the end of our country as we know it), just that she won't be able to make it great again.
I think most of us woke up quietly, by ourselves, over time, but imagine if the awakening was on a widespread scale and practically overnight.
If they get away with the steal this time, we're done. You can only justify so much bullshit as an excuse to wake people up. Bottom line is that everyone who will wake up is now awake. Sadly, my niece is still blinded and a complete and utter moron who is little more than a NPC spewing, "Orange Man BAD!!!". She's lost.
At some point, it's time to cut bait and move on. To continue to justify death and destruction, as well as the continual child trafficking and human trafficking, just to try to make NPCs stop being NPCs is insanity. How many more have to die to wake them up? If the patriots are truly in control, it's time to say enough is enough and end this shit. Otherwise, the blood is on their hands, too, as will be the destruction of this country.
Well put and exactly what I am thinking as well. I truly think this is it but before January we could see that fake war or market crash that we have all been talking about.
It does make you wonder though, if patriots are truly in control, how much more death and destruction are they going to allow to happen. I'm sure there is a lot of things we are unaware of though.