Yes but olive oil has a low smokepoint so not great for cooking at high heat. Also a lot of the olive oil on the market is impure and has been mixed with other seed oils to bring down the price. Same is the case for some avocado and coconut so be aware of what you buy and opt for higher quality and tested brands. I use ghee or tallow for most of my cooking but occasionally you do need oils such as for dressings, mayo and other items that need to remain liquid
Yes but olive oil has a low smokepoint so not great for cooking at high heat. Also a lot of the olive oil on the market is impure and has been mixed with other seed oils to bring down the price. Same is the case for some avocado and coconut so be aware of what you buy and opt for higher quality and tested brands. I use ghee or tallow for most of my cooking but occasionally you do need oils such as for dressings, mayo and other items that need to remain liquid
Thx, I love cooking and always use olive oil, its soo expensive though.