Claim 777 dependants on your W4 or whatever tax form it is. Don't send them or the government, our employees, another penny or allow them access to it. In fact file for a 501 3C and start your own church of truth. Join my prayer protocol every day and be the change we need.
Don't discount the warrior portion. Its good to be both kind and dangerous just in case ;-)
But , Yeah, not enough days left on earth to prosecute the crime, just like the debt. Not enough life on earth capable of work that could pay the actual debt and the actual cost of this Treasonous government, both past and present. Don't forget we pay pensions and benefits to the past and current criminals, you know like millionaire Kerry, Cheney, Romney, Clinton AND FAMILY ! Life is SOO Good.
This message is in the spirit of fun and future victory.
Claim 777 dependants on your W4 or whatever tax form it is. Don't send them or the government, our employees, another penny or allow them access to it. In fact file for a 501 3C and start your own church of truth. Join my prayer protocol every day and be the change we need.
Don't discount the warrior portion. Its good to be both kind and dangerous just in case ;-)
But , Yeah, not enough days left on earth to prosecute the crime, just like the debt. Not enough life on earth capable of work that could pay the actual debt and the actual cost of this Treasonous government, both past and present. Don't forget we pay pensions and benefits to the past and current criminals, you know like millionaire Kerry, Cheney, Romney, Clinton AND FAMILY ! Life is SOO Good.
This message is in the spirit of fun and future victory.